Michelle Stancari
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Fermilab has an extensive program of research and development for
liquid argon detectors encompassing purification and cryogenics,
readout electronics, photon detection and high voltage.
The current status and future plans
of this program will be presented, with an emphasis on
recent results from the Liquid Argon Purity Demonstrator (LAPD).
Removing electronegative
impurities from liquid argon is crucial for the operation of liquid argon time projection
chambers (LArTPC).
An important milestone for future large LArTPC detectors was the
demonstration that electron lifetimes greater than 2 ms can be obtained in two cryostats that
cannot be evacuated: the LAPD
and the LBNE 35 ton prototype membrane cryostat.
A TPC with a 2 meter drift
was operated in the LAPD cryostat, and the
electron lifetimes measured by the purity monitors are compatible with those
measured by the TPC.
Michelle Stancari
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)