Muon Collider Detector Studies

Not scheduled
Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Poster Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades


Dr Anna Mazzacane (Fermilab)


A Multi-Tev Muon Collider is currently being studied by the Muon Accelerator Project (MAP). Experiments at the Muon Collider will need to cope with intense backgrounds from decays of muon beams. Physics and detector studies including full simulation of muon decay backgrounds are underway. We report on some of these studies utilizing the ILCroot detector simulation framework integrated with MARS simulation of background sources. We also discuss possible detector strategies for coping with high background and radiation rates and we present the first physics analysis using the full simulation of the beam background.


Dr Anna Mazzacane (Fermilab)


Dr Corrado Gatto (INFN Napoli (Italy)) Dr Nikolai Terentiev (Carnegie Mellon University) Dr Vito Di Benedetto (Universita' del Salento)

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