Mykhaylo Filipenko
(Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics - ECAP)
Many experiments, especially low-background experiments like the search for
neutrinoless double beta decay, and applications, like Compton-imaging, would highly benefit from a room-temperature semiconductor voxel detector technology. A voxel detector is a 2D pixelated device which is able to determine the 3d coordinate (the depth of interaction) in every pixel. Thus, it can be used to reconstruct 3D-particle tracks that can be used for particle identification.
We developed a method to reconstruct the depth of interaction from
properties that in principle could be directly measured with an optimized
semiconductor detector. We applied the method to simulation data and
investigated the reconstruction results under different parameters.
For an experimental proof-of-principle we used a Timepix detector with a 1
mm thick CdTe sensor and 110 µm pixel size. We evaluated data of electrons
with a kinectic energy of 4.4 GeV wherefore they can be treated as minimal
ionizing in our case. Despite the fact that the current Timepix cannot deliver all
the necessary information for the algorithm, we successfully performed the reconstruction for electron track by employing this property (minimal ionization).
The reconstruction method and recent results on the z-position resolution will be presented.
Mykhaylo Filipenko
(Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics - ECAP)