Jun 2 – 6, 2014
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Bridging the gap between science and society

Jun 4, 2014, 4:20 PM
Keurzaal (Beurs van Berlage)


Beurs van Berlage

Oral Technology transfer: 5a) Industry Liaisons V.a Industrial Liaisons


Dr Marten Bosma (Amsterdam Scientific Instruments)


In The Netherlands policy makers have frequently addressed the ‘gap’ between the excellent standing of Dutch fundamental research and the perceived inability to translate that into profitable commercial activities. Although Nikhef’s primary focus is and will be curiosity driven research, pushing the boundaries of the fundamental knowledge, a key intangible societal gain. Nikhef also acknowledges the increased importance of more tangible societal impact, hence resulting in concrete (industrial) applicability (‘valorization’). There are several ways to transfer research results, usually a technology in which Nikhef has vested intellectual property rights (IPR): selling, licensing or become an ‘entrepreneur’. Since several years Nikhef has worked towards enabling this last route. Building further on FOM’s valorization policy and together with our partner, 1&12 Investment Partners, a holding company, called Particle Physics Inside Products (P2IP bv) has been established. P2IP is the legal entity from which Nikhef-FOM can participate in a subsidiary start-up. It has established a supervisory board that monitors its participations (currently three), assesses new opportunities and explores new activities. Recently our sister FOM-institute AMOLF joined P2IP. We will highlight the experiences so far with startup companies emanating from the Nikhef scientific programme. Some of them are not participations of P2IP. We will also sketch the environment of the Amsterdam Venture Lab in which these startup activities are embedded.


Arnold Johan Van Rijn (NIKHEF) Dr Hans Roeland Poolman (Amsterdam Scientific Instruments)


Dr Marten Bosma (Amsterdam Scientific Instruments)

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