The AMC13XG: A New Generation Clock/Timing/DAQ Module for CMS MicroTCA

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Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Poster Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems


David Zou (Boston University (US)) Eric Shearer Hazen (Boston University (US))


The AMC13 provides clock, timing and DAQ service for many subdetectors in the CMS experiment at CERN, as well as the muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab. The module hardware was recently upgraded to support 10 gigabit optical fiber and backplane interfaces. New firmware is now under development to support arbitrarily large event fragments from 12 AMC cards with up to 3 simultaneous output links operating at 10 gigabits. In addition, standard TCP/IP protocol over 10 gigabit Ethernet may be used in addition to the CMS S-Link express proprietary protocol. Many of these modules are now being installed in the CMS experiment during the current LHC shutdown. We describe the implementation using Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGAs, commissioning, production testing and integration in the CMS HCAL and other subsystems.


Eric Shearer Hazen (Boston University (US))


Arno Heister (Boston University (US)) David Zou (Boston University (US)) James Rohlf (Boston University (US)) Shouxiang Wu (Boston University (US))

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