Carsten Hast
We present the current status and plans of the various electron test beams available at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. They span an energy range of a few MeV in our ASTA, mainly used for gun development and RF structure testing, NLCTA, a 120 to 200 MeV linac for free electron laser seeding, dielectric laser acceleration and medical studies, to ESTB, the End Station (A) Test Beam, which uses 5 Hz of the LCLS 2 to 16GeV beam for ILC MDI and detector R&D studies with primary beam and singel electrons, to FACET, which has a very compressed and small spot size 20GeV beam for plasma wakefield acceleration, material science and other advanced acceleration concepts studies. For all these facilities an overview of past, present and future experiments and plans will be given.
Carsten Hast