Development of Multipurpose Aerogel Cherenkov Counter

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Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Poster Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies


Mr hiroshi ITO (Chiba University)


We have developed a multipurpose aerogel Cherenkov counter (M-ACC) which works particle identification in a narrow space and can cover large area with arbitrary shapes. Generally, a size of photodetector which is required for aerogel Cherenkov detector tends to become bigger in proportion to an effective area. Therefore, it is difficult to make detector which has large area and thin width. We try to achieve large area particle identification using small photodetectors with thin light guide made from wavelength shifting fiber of 0.2 mm in diameter form sheet. M-ACC will be able to achieve experiments said to be impossible in general. Give two examples. First, the experiment require at π/K identification, 1 GeV/c, in magnetic field(about 1 T), effective area shape like a donut, a size of detector having 2 m in diameter and thickness of 10 cm. Second, PID condition is at e/μ identification, 250 Mev/c, effective area of 20 cm x 20 cm and lower cost of $2,000 per a censer. Recent, we have produced a prototype and carried out performance estimate using cosmic ray. We would report this.


Mr hiroshi ITO (Chiba University)


Mr Daisuke Kumogoshi (Chiba University) Mr Hideyuki Kawai (Chiba University) Mr Keiichi Mase (Chiba University) Mr Makoto Tabata (Chiba University) Mr Shutaro Iijima (Chiba University) Mr Soorim Han (Chiba University)

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