Radiation Damage in LHC detectors
- Stephen Gibson (CERN)
Seth Zenz
(Princeton University (US))
14/11/2012, 09:15
Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors (Wednesday morning)
Studies of radiation damage to the sensors of the CMS Pixel and Strip Detectors during LHC running in 2011 and 2012 are presented. Leakage current and depletion voltage are monitored with increasing fluence. Methods for addressing the challenges of these measurements in the context of ongoing detector operations are discussed. These include the derivation of depletion voltage from hit...
Rui Wang
(University of New Mexico (US))
14/11/2012, 09:40
Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors (Wednesday morning)
The ATLAS Pixel Detector radiation damage monitoring system uses leakage currents in pixel modules measured with ATLAS Pixel High Voltage delivery system. We present leakage currents measured in 2011 and 2012 and their dependence
on the ATLAS integrated luminosity (~ 24 fb^{-1}). We compare them with the theoretical model prediction. The status of the system is presented as well as the...
Marco Filipuzzi
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
14/11/2012, 10:00
One of the main, macroscopic radiation damage effects in silicon detectors is the charge trapping. It occurs when in the bulk of silicon sensors, exposed to intensive irradiation, defects acting as charge traps are induced. As a consequence, the charge collection efficiency of the detector is strongly affected.
The charge-trapping effect has been implemented in the simulation framework of the...
Jon Harrison
(University of Manchester (GB))
14/11/2012, 10:20
The effects of radiation damage in the LHCb Vertex Locator have been studied with a variety of techniques, using both 2011 and 2012 data. An overview of these methods, which include bulk currents, the effective depletion voltage, the cluster finding efficiency and noise scans will be given. This will be followed by a summary of the key results using up to 2.7 inverse femtobarn of LHCb...
Andre Lukas Schorlemmer
(CERN / Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE)),
Stephen Gibson
14/11/2012, 11:30
Due to the increasing radiation dose accumulated by the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the LHC, the effects of radiation damage are now clearly observable. Macroscopic effects are induced from the creation of silicon crystal defects and key parameters such as leakage current and effective depletion voltage are routinely monitored. Measurements of the effective depletion voltage show a general trend...
Miguel Ullan Comes
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
14/11/2012, 11:50
Full Detector Systems
Since the fabrication of the full series of pitch adapters for the modules of the End-Cap part of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT), from 2003 to 2005, CNM-Barcelona has made several fabrications a year of pitch adaptors for different users. Our technology for pitch adapters is not a PCB-like technology, but a microelectronics technology with clean room fabrication. This is how we achieve...