Juan A. Aguilar-Saavedra, "t-barr t charge asymmetry and friends" |
Ignatios Antoniadis, "Mass hierarchy and string phenomenology in the LHC era" |
José Bernabéu, "Time Reversal Violation for Entangled Neutral Mesons" |
Marco Cirelli, "Dark Matter searches: phenomenological and theoretical aspects" |
Patrícia Conde Muíño, "Experimental status of Particle and Astroparticle searches for Supersymmetry" |
Antonio Di Domenico, "Testing discrete symmetries with kaons: status and perspectives" |
Abdelhak Djouadi, "Some implications of the LHC Higgs results" |
Ferruccio Feruglio, "Combining Flavor and CP Symmetries" |
Michele Gallinaro, "Top quark physics" |
Dumitru Ghilencea, "Naturalness of SUSY models after the Higgs discovery" |
Marcello Giorgi, "Future B Factories" |
Neville Harnew, "Selected highlights from LHCb" |
Nick E. Mavromatos, "CPT Violation in Early Universe and Leptogenesis/Baryogenesis" |
Vasiliki A. Mitsou, "Experimental status of Particle and Astroparticle searches for Supersymmetry" |
Rabindra Mohapatra, "Theory of Flavor" |
Ulrich Nierste, "Flavour and CP Violation" |
Apostolos Pilaftsis, "Leptogenesis: Recent Developments" |
Robertus Potting, "Lorentz and CPT Violation" |
Frank Rathmann, "EDM Theory and Experiment: Search for new Physics beyond the Standard Model" |
Andre Rubbia, "Present and Future Neutrino Experiments" |
Alexei Smirnov, "Neutrino mass, mixing and discrete symmetries" |
João Varela, "Overview of CMS Physics Results" |
John Walsh, "CP Violation from the B Factories" |
Masanori Yamauchi, "Flavor physics program at KEK - SuperKEKB and J-PARC" |