3–7 Dec 2012
IST Congress Center
Europe/Lisbon timezone
<big>NEWS: Deadline for Proceedings - 28 February 2013 </big>

Scientific Programme

Confirmed Plenary Speakers

  Juan A. Aguilar-Saavedra, "t-barr t charge asymmetry and friends"
  Ignatios Antoniadis, "Mass hierarchy and string phenomenology in the LHC era"
  José Bernabéu, "Time Reversal Violation for Entangled Neutral Mesons"
  Marco Cirelli, "Dark Matter searches: phenomenological and theoretical aspects"
  Patrícia Conde Muíño, "Experimental status of Particle and Astroparticle searches for Supersymmetry"
  Antonio Di Domenico, "Testing discrete symmetries with kaons: status and perspectives"
  Abdelhak Djouadi, "Some implications of the LHC Higgs results"
  Ferruccio Feruglio, "Combining Flavor and CP Symmetries"
  Michele Gallinaro, "Top quark physics"
  Dumitru Ghilencea, "Naturalness of SUSY models after the Higgs discovery"
  Marcello Giorgi, "Future B Factories"
  Neville Harnew, "Selected highlights from LHCb"
  Nick E. Mavromatos, "CPT Violation in Early Universe and Leptogenesis/Baryogenesis"
  Vasiliki A. Mitsou, "Experimental status of Particle and Astroparticle searches for Supersymmetry"
  Rabindra Mohapatra, "Theory of Flavor"
  Ulrich Nierste, "Flavour and CP Violation"
  Apostolos Pilaftsis, "Leptogenesis: Recent Developments"
  Robertus Potting, "Lorentz and CPT Violation"
  Frank Rathmann, "EDM Theory and Experiment: Search for new Physics beyond the Standard Model"
  Andre Rubbia, "Present and Future Neutrino Experiments"
  Alexei Smirnov, "Neutrino mass, mixing and discrete symmetries"
  João Varela, "Overview of CMS Physics Results"
  John Walsh, "CP Violation from the B Factories"
  Masanori Yamauchi, "Flavor physics program at KEK - SuperKEKB and J-PARC"

The Symposium will start on Monday the 3rd of December 2012 at 9:00 am
and will end on Friday the 7th of December 2012 at 4:15 pm.

The topics covered will include:

  • T, C, P, CP symmetries
  • CPT symmetry, decoherence, Lorentz symmetry breaking
  • Accidental symmetries (B, L conservation)
  • Discrete symmetries and models of flavour mixing
  • Neutrino Physics; Electroweak Symmetry breaking and Physics Beyond the SM
  • Baryogenesis, Leptogenesis
  • Dark Matter searches
  • Experimental prospects at LHC
  • Super Flavour factories, and other new experimental facilities