Chris Allton
(Swansea University)
The interquark potential in charmonium states is calculated for the first time in both the zero and non-zero temperature phases from a first-principles lattice QCD calculation. Simulations with two dynamical quark flavours were used with temperatures T in the range 0.4Tc T 1.7Tc, where Tc is the deconfining temperature. The correlators of point-split operators were analysed to gain spatial information about the charmonium states. A method, introduced by the HAL QCD collaboration and based on the Schr ̈odinger equation, was applied to obtain the interquark potential. We find a clear temperature dependence, with the central potential becoming flatter (more screened) as the temperature increases.
Chris Allton
(Swansea University)
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
(National University of Ireland Maynooth)
Wynne Evans
(Swansea University)