21–27 Jul 2013
The University of Birmingham
GB timezone
Proceedings are closed. They should appear online shortly.

Systematic Properties of the Tsallis Distribution: Energy Dependence of Parameters

26 Jul 2013, 15:00
Arts Lecture Room 1 - Room 125 (The University of Birmingham)

Arts Lecture Room 1 - Room 125

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom


Prof. Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)


Changes in the transverse momentum distributions with beam energy are studied using the Tsallis distribution as a parameterization. The dependence of the Tsallis parameters q, T and the volume are determined as a function of beam energy. The Tsallis parameter q shows a weak but clear increase with beam energy with the highest value being approximately 1.15. The Tsallis temperature and volume are consistent with being independent of beam energy within experimental uncertainties.


Changes in the transverse momentum distributions with beam energy
are studied using the Tsallis distribution as a parameterization.
The dependence of the Tsallis parameters q, T and the volume
are determined as a function of beam energy.
The Tsallis parameter q shows a weak but clear increase with beam energy
with the highest value being approximately 1.15.
The Tsallis temperature and volume are consistent with being independent
of beam energy within experimental uncertainties.


Prof. Jean Cleymans (University of Cape Town)

Presentation materials

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