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POTUS2013 : The Physics of The Universe Summit




To accomplish the extraordinary, you must seek extraordinary people. — James Lee Byars

This two day retreat brings together the top minds, thinkers and doers, in the fields of the physics of the universe both theoretical and experimental. The meeting fosters exchange, and when the best people talk the outcome is advance and growth. We avoid standard prepared talks, and focus on exciting forefront issues, where there may be differences of opinion, or new results that will provoke wide discussion. The summit this year is inspired by the astounding discovery at the LHC, recent and upcoming results by satellite and ground-based experiments on dark matter searches and paradigm shifting/breaking ideas in string theory, gravity and cosmology. 

POTUS contact info: Jury Rodriguez @ 626-818-6539
SpaceX day contact: Mary Beth Brown @ 310-403-0188 (January 12)
Caltech/Cahill day contact: Mary Cross @ 626-262-3770 (January 13)

technical support Dorian Kcira @ 626-379-2887

0.     The summit kicks-off with the POTUS reception and family-style dinner at the Andaz on Friday January 11 at the Andaz West Hollywood. 

1.     The first day of the summit (Saturday, January 12) will be held at the headquarters of SpaceX.   

2.     The second day (Sunday, January 13) will be held at Caltech’s Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

3.     Participants will be housed at the The Andaz West Hollywood Hyatt Hotel where the Flug Summit kick-off reception and dinner (January 11) and the Pritzker Summit dinner (January 12)  will be given. 

4.     The summit is by invitation only; There is no registration or other fees; Just make your way to the Andaz and the rest is covered.


  • Alyson Brooks
  • Angela Olinto
  • Anton Kapustin
  • Barbara Hay
  • Barry Barish
  • Burton Richter
  • Chris Tully
  • Christina Lauritsen
  • Christopher Rogan
  • Clifford Cheung
  • Danny Hillis
  • David and Jackie Gross and Savani
  • David Politzer
  • Deborah Castleman
  • dennis overbye
  • Eilam Gross
  • Elena Aprile
  • Elon Musk
  • Erik Verlinde
  • Eva Silverstein
  • Francesca Habsburg
  • Fred Craves
  • G & A Iva & Kap
  • Harvey Newman
  • Herman Verlinde
  • Hirosi Ooguri
  • j. richard bond
  • Jaco Konigsberg
  • Javier Duarte
  • Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins
  • Jim Siegrist
  • JoAnne Hewett
  • John Schwarz
  • Jonah & Lisa Joy Nolan
  • Joseph Lykken
  • Juan I. Collar
  • Katherine Freese
  • Kimbal Musk
  • Kip Thorne
  • Laura Baudis
  • Liam McAllister
  • Lisa Randall
  • Lynda Obst
  • Marcela Carena
  • Maria Politzer
  • Maria Spiropulu
  • Marion Viguier
  • Markus Reymann
  • Marty & Sarah Flug
  • Matthew Buckley
  • Maurizio Pierini
  • Michael S. Turner
  • Neal Weiner
  • Nicholas Pritzker
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed
  • Norbert Holtkamp
  • Patricia McBride
  • Patricia Schwarz
  • Paul Steinhardt
  • Richard Ellis
  • Robert Zimmer
  • Rocky Kolb
  • Roger Blandford
  • Saul Perlmutter
  • Scott Dodelson
  • Sergei Gukov
  • Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer
  • Shamit Kachru
  • Si Xie
  • Steven Koonin
  • Sunil Golwala
  • Teresa Rodrigo
  • Thomas Tombrello
  • Thomas Banks
  • Tony Lund
    • POTUS Reception & Dinner (sponsored by Marty & Sarah Flug) Studio 4 (mezzanine level) (Andaz)

      Studio 4 (mezzanine level)


    • Breakfast Mezzanine Hall (Andaz)

      Mezzanine Hall


    • Buses to SpaceX Foyer (Andaz)



    • Standard & Alternative Cosmologies and String Implementations: Scott Dodelson, Shamit Kachru, Paul Steinhardt von Braun conference room (SpaceX)

      von Braun conference room


      <font color=darkblue>Cosmic inflation is the standard paradigm of modern cosmology. String theorists have been implementing inflationary cosmologies in the past 10 years. Although everybody seems to agree that inflation requires extreme and ad-hoc (almost improbable) initial conditions, and produces a multiverse with uncertain predictions, theorists seem to have very different takes on what are the right ways to think about alternative paradigm(s) while observers are looking for ways to test the inflation paradigm. </font>

      Conveners: Discussants (Eva Silverstein, Dick Bond, Liam McAllister, and Tom Banks), Michael Turner (Convener)
      Notes from convener
      • 1
        Speaker: Michael
      • 2
        "Standard Theory" of inflation
        Speaker: Scott
      • 3
        Inflation within modern particle theory
        Speaker: Shamit
      • 10:30
        In-room Coffee break
      • 4
        Alternatives and new directions
        Speaker: Paul
      • 5
        Discussant opening remarks
        Speaker: Eva, Dick, Liam, Tom
      • 6
        Audience joins in discussion
    • Lunch SpaceX (high-bay)

      SpaceX (high-bay)

    • SpaceX tour [by Elon Musk TBC] high-bay (SpaceX)



    • Dark Matter & Caveats: The Latest From Earth and Space: Richard Ellis, Neal Weiner, Clifford Cheung, Roger Blandford von Braun conference room (SpaceX)

      von Braun conference room


      <font color=darkblue>Direct and indirect searches are yielding stronger constraints on the nature of dark matter. Recent observations from both space- and ground-based experiments are being interpreted as signals of dark matter annihilation/decay or direct detection. In this session we will ask what is this data really telling us, and what are the new theory ideas generated by the dark matter results so far.</font>

      Conveners: Experimental Diatribes (Juan Collar, Laura Baudis, Sunil Golwala, Maurizio Pierini, Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins, Katie Freese), Joe Lykken (Chair), Wendy Freedman (Chair)
      Notes from conveners
      • 7
        Speaker: Wendy,Joe
      • 8
        Caveats of dark matter astrophysics
        Speaker: Richard
      • 9
        Global state of direct and indirect searches vs. theory models
        Speaker: Neal
      • 15:55
        In-room coffee break
      • 10
        CoGeNT, COUPP, DAMA
        Speaker: Juan
      • 11
        XENON100, XENON1T
        Speaker: Laura
      • 12
        SuperCDMS (& LUX)
        Speaker: Sunil
      • 13
        Speaker: Maurizio
      • 14
        FERMI gamma ray lines
        Speaker: Jenny
      • 15
        DM and DNA
        Speaker: Katie
      • 16
        DM out of the box
        Speaker: Cliff
      • 17
        Discussion and synthesis
        Speaker: Roger
    • Buses to Andaz Foyer (SpaceX)



    • Summit Dinner (sponsored by Nick & Susan Pritzker) Panorama (Rooftop Terrace) (Andaz)

      Panorama (Rooftop Terrace)


    • Breakfast Mezzanine Hall (Andaz)

      Mezzanine Hall


    • Buses to Caltech/Millikan Board [1] Foyer (Andaz)



    • Millikan Round Table Millikan Board Room (Caltech)

      Millikan Board Room


    • 10:20
      Busses to Caltech/Cahill [2] Andaz Foyer

      Andaz Foyer

    • Discovery2012: Eilam Gross, Si Xie Hameetman Auditorium (Caltech/Cahill Center)

      Hameetman Auditorium

      Caltech/Cahill Center

      <font color=darkblue>Experimental Results from ATLAS and CMS on the Higgs-like particle</font>

      Conveners: Discussants (Jacobo Konigsberg, Chris Tully, Chris Rogan), Teresa Rodrigo (chair)
      Chairs Notes on D2012 and Quo Vadis
    • 12:15
      Lunch Break
    • Discovery2012: (discussion)
      • 18
        Higgs to fermions
        Speaker: Jaco
      • 19
        Speaker: Chris R
      • 20
        Upgrades and ultimate Higgs reach
        Speaker: Chis T
      • 21
        Audience joins discussion
    • Higgs Quo Vadis: Joe Lykken, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Lisa Randall Hameetman Auditorium (Caltech/Cahill Center)

      Hameetman Auditorium

      Caltech/Cahill Center

      <font color=darkblue>Interpretations, Implications & Speculations on the post-higgs-like era -- projection of 14 TeV Discovery2015</font>

      Conveners: David Gross (Chair), Marcela Carena (Chair)
    • 15:50
      Coffee break Cahill


    • Accelerators of the Future: Barry Barish, Norbert Holtkamp Caltech/Cahill Center

      Caltech/Cahill Center

      Convener: Tom Tombrello (Chair)
    • 17:30
      Closing Reception (Cahill Foyer)
    • Buses to Andaz Cahill Foyer

      Cahill Foyer