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13–18 May 2013
Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza, Barcelona - Spain
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Design and Performance of the ATLAS jet trigger

Not scheduled
Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza, Barcelona - Spain

Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza, Barcelona - Spain

Experiment Poster


The ATLAS jet trigger, in combination with other triggers, provides an important ingredient to studies of Standard Model physics and searches for new physics at the LHC. The ATLAS jet trigger system has undergone substantial modifications over the past few years of LHC operations, as experience developed with triggering in a high luminosity and high event pileup environment. In particular, the region-of-interest (ROI) based strategy has been replaced by a full scan of the calorimeter data at the third trigger level, and by a full scan of the level-1 trigger input at level-2 for some specific trigger chains. Hadronic calibration and cleaning techniques are applied in order to provide improved performance and increased stability in high luminosity data taking conditions. In this presentation we describe the structure and performance of the jet trigger in recent data taking conditions.

Primary author

Francesco Rubbo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))

Presentation materials

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