19–21 Jun 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

T4 - OJS, beyond editorial tradition (Room 1150)

19 Jun 2013, 09:00
2h 30m
Room 1150

Room 1150


Mr Nicolaie Constantinescu


This tutorial aims to address the following matters: I. A view upon the software package, II. Setting and organising the team (software and teamwork bootstrapping), and exploring posible workflows, III. Data concerning issues. "A view upon the software package" will answer to the common questions like: what is it, who is behind it, is it suitable for what we do, how long it will take me to set it up, is it simple to use, are there many working with the package? All these questions will find a set of answers backed with practical work on the software itself starting from installation easy steps up to the moment when we will have a fully workable setup. "Setting and organizing the team and exploring posible workflows" will be one of the central points of the tutorial because it is also the power behind the long run efficiency of the journal. Certain aspects modeled by the different interaction levels with the software will be explored and some possible workflows will be discussed among the participants. "Data concerning issues" will be the signal that will mark the ending of the tutorial making all aware of the present actions with regard to data management and where is the value of some possible actions concerning preserving it. The attendants do not need to have programming skills, but to understand the fundamentals of operating an Operating System - GNU/Linux, Mac OSX or Windows. Need to have on your belt Participation to this tutorial requires a laptop and depending on you OS of choice the following software packages already installed: GNU/Linux (LAMP installed + PhpMyAdmin) Mac OSX: - MAMP (http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html), - XAMMP (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-macosx.html). Windows (you may choose between): - EasyPHP (http://www.easyphp.org/save-easyphp-latest.php); - XAMPP (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html). Download the lattest OJS package (Current Development Release) fromhttp://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs_download. Unarchive the package in htdocs or www directory of your preferrate package. Having all these set up before the tutorial is mandatory.

Presentation materials

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