Jun 19 – 21, 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone


OAI8 - very last announcement - 2013-07-22

Dear OAI8 participant,
We would like to thank you for your massive participation to the “Feedback Survey”. We have received 180 questionnaires (131 complete and 49 partial), a very impressive answer rate of 61% ! More important, those feedbacks are full of very interesting comments and precious suggestions for the next OAI workshop.
We are happy to inform you that all the slides and audio-video records of the plenary sessions are now online on the conference website (http://indico.cern.ch/event/oai8) along with most of the posters (in a small pdf format). To reach these documents, the easiest way is to navigate through the “Programme” page with a “Detailed view” mode (https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=211600#20130619.detailed for Wednesday for example).
Please note that we have added in the menu links to Elena’s and Pedro’s Picture Books. Thank you to them for sharing their workshop experience !
We wish you a very pleasant summer (or winter, for southern hemisphere colleagues) and look forward to meet you at OAI9.
Very best regards,
On behalf of the Organising Committee

Last information before your arrival at OAI8 - advance information for arrival - 2013-06-12

Dear OAI8 participant,

Just one week left! We look forward to welcoming you at the University of Geneva, in Uni Mail Building, where the conference takes place this year. I hope you will find at least some of the following information helpful. So do please read on!

LANGUAGE - First of all, if you don't speak French, don't worry; most people in Geneva speak English but learning a few basics like 'merci' (thank you), 's'il vous plaît' (please), 'bonjour' (hello) and 'excusez- moi' (sorry) should help you get by.

REGISTRATION - The Registration desk is located in the main hall of Uni Mail and will be open every day of the workshop from 8:15 in the morning until the end of the last presentation.

POSTER SESSION - The poster stands will be at your disposal in the hall in front of the auditorium throughout the whole workshop.

LAPTOP COMPUTERS - Do please bring your own. We will provide a generic login which will allow you to connect to our wifi. Note that the University of Geneva is member of Eduroam and that you can use your own credentials if your institution gives you the appropriate client software.

SOCIAL EVENTS: DINNER-BUFFET AT CERN - On Wednesday evening, an official dinner-buffet will be held at the Globe at CERN. To get there, take tram #15 just in front of Uni Mail, destination “Nations”; after 4 stops, change at “Simon-Goulart” for tram #18 destination “CERN” until the terminus. The Globe is a huge wooden sphere on your right.

The buffet will be followed by the very popular drinks-sharing event. Do try to bring along a bottle of something typical from your country (eg wine or some other typical drink) which you can share with other participants. Glasses and ice will be available but then the evening is very informal and anyone wishing to sing songs or generally entertain others is strongly encouraged to do so!

Your return to Geneva will also be by public transportation. The last tram departure is at 00:24.

AIRPORT INFORMATION - If you arrive by plane, hold on to your boarding pass; don't forget to get your free bus ticket, valid for 80 minutes, for Geneva Public Transport (TPG) *before* you go through customs. The ticket machine for your free ticket is located between the baggage carousel and the customs (see: https://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=2&confId=211600). Then ask at your hotel for a “Geneva Transport Card” which allows you to move around freely by bus.

BANK CASH MACHINE - There is a cash machine (ATM) in Uni Mail Building. It accepts major bank cards (Maestro, Postcard, Mastercard, Cirrus, Amex, Visa).

ELECTRICITY - If you are bringing electrical equipment, please note that although Swiss wall sockets are 220 volt, they consist of a non-typical, 3-pin, hexagonal type which are often (though not always) recessed into the wall, meaning the standard European plug will not necessarily fit. Bring your own adaptor. We have some we can lend out but not enough to give to every participant! A picture of a European-Swiss adaptor might help: http://www.internationalconfig.com/icc6.asp?item=30170

WEATHER - At the moment, it's temperate and sunny, around 20° Centigrade, with a light breeze. Scattered showers are forcasted for Wednesday and Thursday. You may check the Swiss forecast: http://www.meteo-geneve.ch/ or http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/forecast/39?&search=geneva&itemsPerPage=10&region=world

EMERGENCIES - SECURITY - In public places, watch your luggage and personal items. Please notice that the main auditorium, seminar rooms, and the libraires at Uni Mail are not guarded.
Emergencies phone numbers in Switzerland: Police : 117; Ambulance : 144.

CROSSING THE BORDER - Geneva State is almost totally surrounded by France so if you intend to cross the border it's important to carry your passport with you although Switzerland is part of Schengen Space.

PRE-CONFERENCE DSpace - A few seats are still available for the pre-conference organized by @mire and the DSpace Community Advisory Team (see: https://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=4&confId=211600).

Lastly, we really hope you will enjoy the OAI8 workshop and if you have any questions or problems please let us know. The agenda is packed and we hope you get as much as possible out of the few days you will be with us. Of course, the best things you can get are some new friends and colleagues so please don't be afraid to look out for people wearing the OAI8 badges, and introduce yourself!

With best wishes for a safe journey,

Jean-Blaise and Local Committee

Reminder - OAI8 Workshop in Geneva, 19-21 June 2013 - 2013-04-05

The OAI8 Workshop on Current Developments in Scholarly Communication is taking place in the University of Geneva and in CERN, Geneva, on 19-21 June 2013. The Programme can be found at http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=211600.

There are six plenary sessions on:

  • Technical developments
  • Metrics
  • Semantic Indexing
  • Research Data
  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Gold Open Access Infrastructures

The Tutorials, which start the Workshop, are devoted to:

  • Research Data Services
  • OJS, beyond editorial tradition
  • The NISO/OAI ResourceSync Synchronization Framework
  • Open Access Café 2013
  • Metrics
  • Metadata for the Research Lifecycle

Five Breakout Groups have been arranged so far for group discussions:

  • Altmetrics
  • Open Access Policy developments
  • How to make your university a monograph publisher
  • Open Annotations
  • Gold Open Access infrastructures

There will also be 20+ posters in the timetabled poster session.

OAI Workshops are prominent European OA events in the year in which they are held. Places are still available and registration is open at http://indico.cern.ch/confRegistrationFormDisplay.py/display?confId=211600. The OAI Workshops provide a space for all those interested in developments in Scholarly Communication to come together to learn from each other, to exchange ideas, and to hear papers from leading experts in the field.

The OAI Organising Committee (see http://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?pageId=7&confId=211600) looks forward to meeting you all in Geneva in June.

Paul Ayris, Chair of the OAI8 Organising Committee

Call for Posters - 2013-02-19

Dear colleagues,

OAI8, the 8th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st June 2013. Program details, registration and the call for posters are now available at https://indico.cern.ch/event/oai8. It will be possible to register for a part or all of the programme.

You are invited to submit a description in the form of a short abstract if you wish to bring a poster to the workshop giving details of your project. The poster should be of interest to OAI8 participants and directly related to the general themes of the workshop.

Posters will be displayed in the Uni Mail main hall and an extended coffee break will take place on Thursday 20 June 2013. This will give attendees the chance to view these and discuss them with the author. Attendees will also have the opportunity to vote for the poster which delivers the most impact. Posters should be A0 in size (841 x 1189 mm) for portrait or A1 (594 x 841 mm) for landscape. Any special equipment requests should be addressed to the workshop organisers when a poster has been accepted.

If your poster is accepted you should still register for the workshop as normal and you will be expected to pay your own expenses. Owing to the large demand on accommodation, we advise you to register early - you may cancel your registration later if your submission is not successful.

Poster abstracts can be submitted between 19 February 2013 - 1 April 2013 after a quick registration process (different from the conference registration). Decisions will be made on an ongoing basis (and no later than the end April) and communicated to the submitters.

Poster submission form: https://indico.cern.ch/abstractSubmission.py?confId=211600

The committee looks forward to welcoming you to Geneva.

OAI8 Organising Committee

Registration is open - 2013-02-04

Dear colleagues,

OAI8, the 8th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st June 2013. Program details and registration are now available at https://indico.cern.ch/event/oai8. It will be possible to register for a part or all of the programme.

The workshop will follow the successful format of previous sessions mixing practical tutorials, presentations from cutting-edge projects and research, discussion groups, posters, and an intense social programme to maximise interaction and communication. Previous workshops have built a strong community spirit. The event is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and contact details with a large public connected to the OA movement. The OAI workshops are a series of the most important international meetings in this field and take place roughly every two years.

Each iteration of the workshop series has dealt with issues relevant to today. This year, research data will be one of the topics tackled. In the light of the Royal Society Report "Science as an Open Enterprise", European universities are beginning themselves to consider the impact of the data deluge. The workshop will also revisit the topic of metrics and suggest new approaches.

Thanks to the continued support of our sponsors, the organisers have been able to maintain the modest registration fee at the same level as for the previous workshop, i.e. CHF 275. Moreover, a special early bird fee of CHF 230 is offered until Wednesday 27th of March.

Further information will be added to the website https://indico.cern.ch/event/oai8, including details of the Breakout Groups, of a pre-conference day about Duraspace, and the Call for posters.

The committee looks forward to welcoming you to Geneva.

OAI8 Organising Committee

OAI8 at the University of Geneva. 19-21 June 2013

2013 sees the 8th OAI Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication at the University of Geneva and at CERN. These Workshops are major international gatherings where those interested in Scholarly Communication developments can meet, discuss and network. OAI8 will be taking place in the context of the EU’s launch of its €80 billion Horizon 2020 programme. Discussions are currently underway to see what place Open Access may have as an output from its funded research programmes. New areas to be discussed at OAI8 will be Alternative Metrics and a special focus on Scholarly Communication developments in the Arts and Humanities. An introductory video, announcing the Conference, can be seen here.

Please reserve 19-21 June 2013 in your diaries. On behalf of the Programme Committee, we look forward to seeing you in Geneva.

Paul Ayris
Chair OAI8 Organising Committee