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Euan ADIE is the founder of, which tracks the conversations around scholarly articles online. He was previously a senior product manager at Nature Publishing Group where he worked on projects like Connotea and Blogs. |
Kevin ASHLEY is Director of the UK's Digital Curation Center. The DCC was established by JISC in 2004 to provide services, training, practical advice and guidance to research institutions on digital preservation with a special focus on research data curation. He serves on a number of advisory and guidance bodies and contributed the report on Data Quality and Curation which informed the GRDI2020 roadmap for research data infrastructure. Kevin was formerly (1997-2010) Head of Digital Archives Department, University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) where he delivered digital preservation and repository services to organisations including the UK National Archives and the British Library. These included NDAD, which captured, preserved and provided access to Uk government datasets. He was a member of the RLG/NARA task force which developed TRAC and was chair of JISC's Repositories and Preservation Advisory Group. He was previously involved in the development and standardisation of network protocols, active in bodies such as ANSI, BSI and EWOS. He began his career in a medical research unit devoted to innovative uses of IT in the support of clinical research and practice. |
Dr AYRIS has been Director of UCL Library Services since 1997. He is also the UCL Copyright Officer. Dr Ayris is the President of LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche). He is a member of the LIBER and SPARC Europe Boards and co-chairs the LIBER Conference Programme Committee for their Annual General Conferences. He also co-chairs the OAI Organizing Committee for the Cern Workshops on Scholarly Communication. He is a member of the JISC's Electronic Information Resources Working Group, He was recently a member of the NSF-funded Blue Ribbon Task Force on economically-sustainable digital preservation. He has a Ph.D. in Ecclesiastical History and publishes on English Reformation Studies. |
Daniel BEUCKE is a project manager at Göttingen State and University Library and is involved in several digital library projects. His interests include all aspects of digital library, especially the topics Open Access, electronic publishing and digital preservation. He is leader of the COAR Interest Group “Usage Data and Beyond”. |
Lars BJORNSHAUGE Currently: SPARC Europe Director of European Library Relations and Managing Director, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals. Past: Deputy Director, Acting Director, Technical Information Center of Denmark Technical University of Denmark (1992-2000), Director of Libraries at Lund University, Sweden (2001-2011). President of the Danish Research Library Association 1992-1994 and 1st Vice-President of the Swedish Library Association 2005-2011. Founder of the Directory of Open Access Journals, co-founder of OpenDoar, the Directory of Open Access Repositories, and co-founder of the Directory of Open Access Books. |
Olivier BODENREIDER is a Senior Scientist and Chief of the Cognitive Science Branch of the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications at the U.S. National Library of Medicine. His research focuses on terminology and ontology in the biomedical domain, both from a theoretical perspective (quality assurance, interoperability) and in their application to natural language processing, knowledge discovery and information integration. Dr. Bodenreider is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics. He received a M.D. degree from the University of Strasbourg, France in 1990 and a Ph.D. in Medical Informatics from the University of Nancy, France in 1993. Before joining NLM in 1996, he was assistant professor for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics at the University of Nancy, France, Medical School. |
Johan BOLLEN is associate professor at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing. He was formerly a staff scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 2005-2009, and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Old Dominion University from 2002 to 2005. He obtained his PhD in Experimental Psychology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in 2001. He has published more than 75 articles on computational social science, social media analytics, informetrics, and digital libraries. His research has been funded by the NSF, IARPA, and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Johan lives in Bloomington, Indiana with his wife and daughter. In his free time he enjoys P90x and DJing in the local Bloomington clubs as DJ Angst (with his colleague E-trash aka Luis Rocha). |
Donatella CASTELLI is a Senior Researcher working at the “Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione” of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISTI). She has been the principal investigator of several European and National funded projects on digital libraries and data e-Infrastructure acquiring considerable experience in these domains. Currently she is acting as scientific director of the iMarine and EUBrazilOpenBioEU projects. She is also the technical coordinator of the OpenAIREPlus EU project which is operating an e-infrastructure supporting Open Access to research products in Europe. Her scientific interests are centered around digital libraries, data infrastructures and data interoperability areas. |
Dr Paolo CICCARESE is a biomedical scientist and software engineer. Paolo is Instructor in Neurology at the Harvard Medical School and Assistant in Neuroscience at the Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as a previous Lecturer of Computer Science and Medical Informatics at the University of Pavia. Paolo has been previously investigating innovative workflow and evidence based clinical information systems. He has been working on automation of clinical guidelines for pathologies such as heart failure, stroke and hypertension. He also designed and developed software infrastructures for connecting health care providers focusing on rare pathologies. Paolo is currently interested in enabling personal and community-driven knowledge acquisition, curation and sharing. After working on scientific discourse representation in Alzheimer's Disease research, he is now exploring the use of Annotation of digital resources for supporting the knowledge creation process. Paolo is the author of Annotation Ontology that preceded the Open Annotation Data Model and he is the main force behind the Domeo Annotation Tool a web application for annotating online digital content. |
Nicolaie CONSTANTINESCU is the Information Architect of Kosson Library and Information Science Community -, and the ICT manager of Sarminfo Company. For many years he worked to establish an open platform for good LIS practices exchange. Backed by his computer science skills is one of those who strived to bring more light upon what Free and Open Software has to offer to those who manage information in memory institutions and for the research funders. Nicolaie is also one of the voices of Open Access in Romania helping to build an infrastructure able to host research output at Part of his efforts aim towards realising better articulated information spaces capable of collecting and organizing human knowledge. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of SPARC Europe, member of the LIBER Communications & Marketing Committee, member of the Executive Board of the Romanian National Association of Libraries and Librarians Romania and a proud OpenAIRE+ National Representative. |
Drs. Anita DE WAARD has a degree in experimental low-temperature physics from Leiden University, and worked at the Kapitza Institute in Moscow in 1987 on properties of 3He. She joined Elsevier as a physics publisher in 1988 and started the journal ‘Computational Materials Science’ and the Handbook of Biological Physics series. Since 1997 she has been working in the Labs group at Elsevier and collaborating with academic groups. In 2008 Anita developed and led the Elsevier Grand Challenge for Life Sciences and the ISMB 2010 Killer App Award, was co-chair of the W3C HCLS group on Scientific Discourse Structure. She is a founder and co-organiser of a series of workshops on surmounting some of the barriers of new forms of scientific communication, notably ‘Beyond the PDF’ and ‘FORCE11: The Future of Research Communications and E-Science’. As per January 1 2013, Anita is VP of Research Data Collaborations within Elsevier’s Research Data Services group. As such, Anita leads the creation and development of our academic collaborations, to ensure that we meet the needs of scholarly researchers while helping share data. |
Kathleen FITZPATRICK is Director of Scholarly Communication of the Modern Language Association, Professor of Media Studies (on leave) at Pomona College, and Visiting Research Professor of English at NYU. She is author of Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, published in 2011 by NYU Press and previously made available for open peer review online, and of The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television, published in 2006 by Vanderbilt University Press. She is co-founder of the digital scholarly network MediaCommons. |
M. Rupert GATTI is a fellow in Economics at Trinity College, Cambridge. His research interests including search theory, the economics of online markets and copyright. He is a long-standing advocate of open access publishing and co-founder of Open Book Publishers, publishing open access research monographs and books in the humanities and social sciences. |
Dr. Stefan GRADMANN is a full professor at the Arts Faculty of KU Leuven and Director of the University's library system. Before that, he has been a professor of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University in Berlin (2008-2013), Deputy Director of Hamburg University's computing center (2000-2008), product manager with PICA B.V. (Leiden, 1997-2000) and working in different managerial positions in German libraries (1987-1997) He received his PhD from Freiburg University after studies in Paris VIII and Freiburg. The focus of Stefan's research and teaching is on the use of semantic technologies and Linked Data in the Digital Humanities, he has been heavily involved in the building of Europeana right from the start. He has been serving the European Commission and various national funding bodies as an expert for the past 20 years. Stefan Gradmann is President of the German Society for Information Science and Information Practice (DGI) since 2008. |
Paul GROTH is an assistant professor in the Web & Media Group at the VU University of Amsterdam and a member of its Network Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southampton (2007) and has done research at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on dealing with large amounts of diverse contextualized knowledge with a particular focus on the web and e-Science applications. This includes research in data provenance, web science, knowledge integration and knowledge sharing with over 50 publications in these areas (H-index 27). Paul is co-chair of the W3C Provenance Working Group that developed a standard for provenance interchange. Currently, he is a key contributor to Open Phacts - a project to develop a provenance-enabled platform for pharmacological information. He blogs at |
Melissa HAGEMANN is a Senior Program Manager with the Open Society Foundations’ (OSF) Information Program. She helped to initiate, and participated in, the meetings which led to the Budapest Open Access Initiative, the BOAI10 Recommendations and the Cape Town Open Education Declaration. Currently her work focuses on Open Access, Open Educational Resources, and Open Access to Law. Hagemann has held several positions within OSF, including managing its Regional Library Program (1995–1997) in Budapest, as well as the Science Journals Donation Program (1998–2001). Hagemann sits on the Advisory Board of the Wikimedia Foundation. Prior to joining OSF, Hagemann received an MSc from the London School of Economics and worked in the European Parliament in Brussels. |
M. Ulrich HERB is the open access expert of Saarland University. Additionally he works as a freelance science consultant and science journalist. |
Dr. Wolfram HORTSMANN is Associate Director of the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford, responsible for Digital Library Programmes and Information Technologies. As Chief Information Officer for Scholarly Information at Bielefeld University in Germany he was responsible for strategic development of the institutional services for content, data and tools in research and education between 2007 and 2011. He was also working as European project manager for the State and University Library of Goettingen and Head of Publishing Services at the Academic Library Centre in Cologne. His dissertation “Explaining Brains by Simulation” addresses aspects of natural philosophy, he is biologist by training and worked in the field of Computational Neuroscience before he actively turned his attention towards Scholarly Communication and Libraries. |
Richard JONES has been working in Open Source and in/around Higher Education for over a decade. He is a long-term contributor to open source software, and in particular the DSpace repository platform. He is also an advocate of Open Access, and has written numerous articles on the subject, as well as co-authoring a book on a related topic. He has worked for a number of large HE institutions over the years, including the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bergen and Imperial College London. Subsequently he moved out of HE and first into commercial research and development (at HP Labs and Symplectic), and then on ultimately to founding Cottage Labs. |
Dr. Javier LACASTA MIGUEL holds a PHD in Computer Science since 2009, and he currently works as assistant professor at the Computer Science and Systems Engineering Department of the University of Zaragoza. His research work is focused in the field of Knowledge Management applied to Spatial Data. His interests include GeoSpatial data modeling, knowledge management, semantic web, information retrieval, and data mining. Along the last years, he has co-authored numerous publications in books, journals or conference proceedings. He has also collaborated in several R+D projects in this field. |
Dr. Heather PIWOWAR is a cofounder of ImpactStory, the nonprofit web service that uncovers broad impact of research. Heather's research area is understanding how scholars share and reuse research data. ImpactStory takes this work a step further, gathering and giving context to traditional and nontraditional uses of research products to support data-driven incentives for web-native scholarship. Heather has a bachelors and masters degree from MIT, 10 years as a software engineer, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics. She recently completed a postdoc at NESCent. When not writing code for ImpactStory or finalizing stats for a research paper, Heather is an frequent speaker on data archiving and incentive metrics, writes a well-respected research blog, and is active on twitter (@researchremix). |
In March 2010, David PROSSER became the Executive Director of RLUK, the representative body for the UK’s leading research libraries. Before moving to RLUK, he was, from 2002, the founding Director of SPARC Europe, an alliance of over 110 research-led university libraries from 14 European countries advocating new models of scholarly communication. Previously, he spent ten years in science, technical, and medical journal publishing for both Oxford University Press and Elsevier Science. During this time he was involved in all aspects of publishing from production through to editorial and financial management of journals. Before becoming a publisher he received a PhD and BSc in Physics from Leeds University, UK. |
Mr. Carlos ROSSEL, a native of Santiago, Chile, is the World Bank Group Publisher and has over 25 years of experience in international professional and scholarly publishing. To support the institution’s role as global knowledge institution, the Office of the Publisher works with departments across the institution to develop and publish a range of products that cover the full spectrum of economic and social development and that are aimed at policymakers, academia, development practitioners, and other constituencies. In 2011 and 2012, he led the transformation of the program into an Open Access publishing model, including implementation of an OA policy, Creative Commons licensing, and an OA repository for the Bank’s research and knowledge. Mr. Rossel has a degree in economics from The George Washington University and an MBA from Loyola University Maryland. |
Dr. Robert SANDERSON is an information scientist in the Research Library at Los Alamos National Laboratory and previously a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Liverpool. His research focuses on the areas of scholarly communication, especially with regards to digital humanities and large scale data mining. He was won international awards for his research, including the 2010 Digital Preservation Award and both the Vannevar Bush Best Paper award at JCDL2011 and Best Poster Award at JCDL2012. Between 2009 and 2011, he was the UIUC GSLIS Honorary Research Fellow for his interdisciplinary work in digital humanities. His most recent work is on Open Annotation, an ontology and platform for annotating web resources; Shared Canvas, a distributed digital facsimile environment; and Memento, providing seamless access to historical web resources. |
Dr Ágnes SANDOR holds a PhD in linguistics. She has been a researcher in the Parsing and Semantics group at the Xerox Research Centre Europe since 1996. She has been working on biomedical information extraction for several years. In the past few years she has been focusing on applying rhetorical analysis for content extraction from argumentative discourse - especially from research articles - in various disciplines. |
David SHOTTON is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford e-Research Centre and an Emeritus Reader in the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. A cell biologist by background, he uses web and semantic web/linked data technologies to undertake research data management, data integration, data publication, metadata creation and semantic publishing activities. Current work for data management focuses on two integrated open-source services - DataStage - for local file management at a research group level and DataBank for use as an institution-level data repository. Data management planning is facilitated by a simple data entry system, DMP20 – Twenty Data Management Planning Questions, and by local customization of the DCC DMPonline tool. Dr Shotton's work in Semantic Publishing has involved developing exemplar articles and the SPAR (Semantic Publishing and Referencing) Ontologies that permit RDF descriptions of bibliographic entities, citations, reference collections and library catalogues, the structural and rhetorical components of documents, and roles, statuses and workflows in publishing. He is currently expanding the Open Citations Corpus, an open linked data repository of bibliographic citations from PubMed Central and arXiv, soon also to have reference data from subscription access journals, and is developing CiTO Tools for creating citation typing metadata to characterize bibliographic citations. He publishes three blogs, on Semantic Publishing, on Open Citations and Related Work, and on Data Management Planning. |
Tim SMITH leads the Collaboration and Information Services Group at CERN. This includes a team which develops, installs and maintains instances of Invenio, the CERN Open Source Digital Library system. He is heavily involved in initiatives to drive digital archives at the institutional (CDS) and disciplinary level (INSPIRE), and EU projects to stimulate Open Access infrastructures (OpenAIRE, OpenAIREplus). Prior to this task he led CERN teams responsible for physics data management and computing farm management, and was a work-package manager of the EU DataGrid project. Tim holds a PhD in High-Energy Physics and performed research at the CERN LEP accelerator for 10 years before moving to IT. |
Alma SWAN is a consultant working in the field of scholarly communication.She is a director of Key Perspectives Ltd, Director of Advocacy Programmes for SPARC Europe and Convenor for Enabling Open Scholarship, the organisation of universities promoting the principles of open scholarship in the academic community. She holds honorary academic positions in the University of Southampton School of Electronics & Computer Science and the University of Warwick Business School. Her work covers market research and business modelling, project management and evaluation, research communication practices and behaviours, and the study and promotion of new forms of scholarly communication in the age of the Web. She writes and makes frequent presentations on scholarly communication issues. Alma has BSc (zoology) and PhD (cell biology) degrees from the University of Southampton and an MBA from Warwick Business School. She is a Fellow of the Society of Biology (UK) and a Chartered Biologist, and has just completed three terms as an elected member of the Governing Board of Euroscience (the European Association for the Promotion of Science & Technology) and is the former editor of its online magazine, The Euroscientist. More at |
Henry S. THOMPSON divides his time between the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where he is Professor of Web Informatics, based in the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation, and independent consulting on XML-related business strategy. He received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1980. His university education was divided between Linguistics and Computer Science, in which he holds an M.Sc. While still at Berkeley he was affiliated with the Natural Language Research Group at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, where he participated in the GUS and KRL projects. His research interests have ranged widely, including natural language parsing, speech recognition, machine translation evaluation, modelling human lexical access mechanisms, the fine structure of human-human dialogue, language resource creation and architectures for linguistic annotation. His current research is focussed on the semantics of markup, XML pipelines and more generally understanding and articulating the architectures of the Web. He was a member of the SGML Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium which designed XML, a major contributor to the core concepts of XSLT and W3C XML Schema and is currently a member of the XML Core, XML Schema and XML Processing Model Working Groups of the W3C. He has been elected five times to the W3C TAG (Technical Architecture Group). He was lead editor of the Structures part of the XML Schema W3C Recommendation, for which he co-wrote the first publicly available implementation, XSV. From 2002 through 2010 he was a member of the technical staff of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where he worked in the XML Activity. He has presented many lectures, papers and tutorials on SGML, DSSSL, XML, XSLT, XML Schema, XML Pipelines and Web Architecture in both industrial and public settings over the last sixteen years. |
Herbert Van de SOMPEL is an Information Scientist at LANL and for over 10 years has led the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team. The Team does research regarding various aspects of scholarly communication in the digital age, including information infrastructure, interoperability, digital preservation and indicators for the assessment of the quality of units of scholarly communication. Herbert has played a major role in creating the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), the Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse & Exchange specifications (OAI-ORE), the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services, the SFX linking server, the bX scholarly recommender service, and info URI. Currently, he works with his team on the Memento, Open Annotation, and ResourceSync projects. He graduated in Mathematics and Computer Science at Ghent University, Belgium, and holds a Ph.D. in Communication Science (2000) from the same university. |
Jelte M. WICHERTS (1976) is a researcher with a PhD degree (2007, cum laude) in psychological methods from the University of Amsterdam. He has published on a wide range of topics related to statistics, research methods, data sharing, and psychometrics. His research interests include group differences in IQ, measurement invariance, structural equation modeling, item response modeling, errors with statistics, publication bias, science policy, and data sharing. He is (co)author of over 50 publications in various peer-reviewed journals, including Intelligence, Proceedings of the Royal Society: B, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, American Psychologist, Structural Equation Modeling, Behavior Research Methods, Psychological Methods, PLoS ONE, and Nature. He has reviewed for 28 different journals and is an editorial board member of the journals Intelligence, Psychological Methods, and Journal of Health Psychology. He has received various grants and awards, including an Early Career Award from the American Psychological Association. Currently he is an associate professor at the Department of Methodology and Statistics at Tilburg University. |