Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

19–21 Jun 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Res. Data Session: Quality and curation of Research Data

20 Jun 2013, 14:50
R380 (Uni Mail)


Uni Mail


Mr Kevin Ashley (Univ. Edinburgh)


Everyone who wants data wants high-quality data, and curation processes are designed to improve data quality. Since we are all agreed on these things there should be little to discuss. But in practice we use 'quality' to mean different things, and our curation processes emphasise some quality dimensions at the expense of others. This is not always beneficial to the research process. I will discuss what research tells us about data quality and how this should informat curation practice. Finally I will speculate on how metadata on quality could ease reliable automated data integration and hence promote data reuse.

Presentation materials