19–21 Jun 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

T1 - Metrics (Room R160)

19 Jun 2013, 09:00
2h 30m
Room R160

Room R160


Mrs Heather Piwowar


Altmetrics is a hot buzzword.  What does it mean?  What's behind the buzz?  What are the benefits and risks of including alternative metrics of research impact in our discovery and evaluation systems?  What altmetrics tools exist today, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and where is the field going? Join Heather Piwowar, cofounder of ImpactStory, for this tour of the altmetrics landscape. The session will be relevant to anyone who produces, publishes, or evaluates research: funders, university administrators, journal and repository leaders, and individual scholars. If you can, bring a laptop to play along during the session. Do you have research products you'd like to experiment with? Prep a digital list of IDs (DOIs, PMIDs, URLs, researcher ORCIDs, etc) and we'll see what we can discover!

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