19–21 Jun 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

BG5 - How to make your university into a monograph publisher? (Room 1130)

20 Jun 2013, 16:15
1h 45m
Room 1130

Room 1130


Mr David Prosser


The traditional monograph market is becoming increasingly dysfunctional; failing to meet the needs of researchers in the arts and humanities. Price increases and library budget restrictions are limiting the distribution of newly published monographs while making it harder for authors (especially young, previously unpublished researchers) to get published. New technology and business models allow us to consider alternatives to the traditional modes of scholarly book publishing. Increasingly academic institutions are finding both the need and the means by which they can take on book publishing activities directly. Aims: To identify and share experiences of scholarly publication activities within academic institutions and libraries. To consider how these models might be adopted, adapted and developed by others to provide innovative and viable OA book publishing solutions across HSS and STM scholarly, textbook and open course-ware environments. This breakout session will look at some of the models that are being used to revolutionise monograph publishing. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences of book publishing activity at their institutions.

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