Andy Buckley(University of Edinburgh (GB)), Michelangelo Mangano(CERN), Piergiulio Lenzi(CERN), Sanjay Padhi(Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Thorsten Kuhl(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
The workshop will cover progress, issues and prospects of MC generators for the LHC, in view of recent experimental results and needs. In addition, progress in higher order physics processes needed for the next phase of LHC operations will be discussed.
The afternoon sessions will be driven by a few talks, one theoretical and one experimental per session. They will cover topics such as the latest trends in NLO MC generators, treatment of heavy flavour production in the "matched" generators, underlying event tuning, future developments in electroweak radiations, rare decays in LO and NLO level, generators with SUSY and EXO processes, etc.
AFS area for tutorials
Frank Martin Krauss(University of Durham (GB)), Frank Siegert(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE)), Marek Schoenherr(University of Durham)