Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute)
Lasers can be used for the generation of high brightness electron and exotic ion beams, the acceleration of particles with the highest accelerating gradients, as well as for the characterization of many complex particle beams by means of laser-based beam diagnostics methods.
Without constant progress in laser technology and close collaboration between laser experts and accelerator scientists, many of today's most advanced experiments would simply be impossible.
The LA³NET consortium combines developments into laser technology and sensors with their application at advanced accelerator facilities, providing complex beams ranging from highest brightness electron
beams to high intensity proton beams.
In this talk I will present the consortium's broad, yet closely interconnected experimental program with a focus on laser based particle sources and will summarize the network-wide training program consisting of Schools, Topical Workshops and Conferences that will also be open to participants from outside the consortium.
Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute)