20–22 Feb 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

Development status of GANIL ion source GISELE

20 Feb 2013, 11:40
30-7-018 (CERN)



European Organisation for Nuclear Research CH - 1211Genève 23 Switzerland


Jose Luis Henares (GANIL)


The future SPIRAL2 will be a new radioactive ion beam facility. A resonant ionization laser ion source is under development at GANIL, in collaboration with University of Mainz (Germany) and TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada). Here the status of the project and the latest improvements are presented. Current work is carried out in a test bench where the design of the ion source body can be tested, including low work function materials used as hot cavity in order to increase selectivity. It will be equipped to allow time profile measurements of the ion bunch. Ionization schemes are also evaluated for efficiency. The aim of this project is to find the best technical solution which combines high selectivity and ionization efficiency with good ion beam emittance and stable long term operation.


Benoit Osmond (GANIL/CNRS) Fabian Schneider (Universität Mainz) Jens Lassen (T) Jose Luis Henares (GANIL) Klaus Wendt (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Laurent Maunoury (GANIL) Marica Sjödin (Ganil) Nathalie Lecesne (Unknown) Renan Leroy (Unknown) Sebastian Rothe (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Tobias Kron (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))

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