F. Ömer Ilday
(Bilkent University)
This talk will report on development of a burst-mode Yb-fiber amplifier, generating bursts of pulses with up to 500 MHz intra-burst repetition-rate and total burst energies of ~1 mJ (e.g., 25 pulses of 40 µJ each). The pulses are compressible to ~1 ps. All essential parameters of the amplifier are controllable using custom-developed FPGA-based electronics. The talk will summarize other relevant developments in our lab, including ultrafast material ablation experiments achieved with the burst-mode laser, the development of a 100-W, 5-ps fiber laser system, and a Cs atomic-locked Yb-fiber frequency comb, achieving excellent short (<1 s) and long-term (>1 s) timing jitter with potential applications to optical synchronization in accelerators.
F. Ömer Ilday
(Bilkent University)