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20–22 Feb 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

Normal-conducting RF photoinjectors for Free Electron Lasers

20 Feb 2013, 09:20
30-7-018 (CERN)



European Organisation for Nuclear Research CH - 1211Genève 23 Switzerland


Dr Frank Stephan (DESY)


Free electron lasers operating at short wavelength require very high beam quality which is mainly defined at the electron source. To fulfill the specifications normal-conducting (NC) RF photoinjectors have been developed at different groups around the world. After a short introduction to SASE-FELs and a motivation, why electron sources are so important for them, the talk will present the design of different NC RF photo injectors. Emphasis will be set on the developments at the photoinjector test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) which demonstrated very good beam quality in a wide range of electron bunch charges.

Primary author

Dr Frank Stephan (DESY)

Presentation materials