Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Participant List

100 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Achilleas Lazopoulos ETHZ
Adam Falkowski LPT Orsay
Adrian Carmona Bermudez ETH Zurich
Adrian Signer PSI
Alberto Guffanti Niels Bohr Institute
Alessandro Broggio Paul Scherrer Institute
Alessandro Torre Universität Zürich
Andrea Thamm EPFL
Andrea Visconti PSI/UZH
Andreas Papaefstathiou University of Zurich
Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Babis Anastasiou ETH
Ben Gripaios University of Cambridge
Bernhard Mistlberger ETH Zuerich
Bilal BENZIMOUN FSR Université Mohemmed 5
Carlo Oleari University of Milano-Bicocca
Christian Lorentzen Universität Bern
Christoph Grab ETH Zürich
Christophe Grojean ICREA/IFAE and CERN
Claude Duhr ETH Zurich
Damiano Tommasini University of Debrecen
Daniel Wyler Universität Zürich
David Heymes RWTH Aachen
David Kosower IPhT, CEA-Saclay
Davide Pagani Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Deniz Gizem Ozturk UZH/ETH
Dirk Rathlev Universität Zürich
Duccio Pappadopulo UC Berkeley
Elisabetta Furlan Brookhaven National Laboratory
Erich Weihs Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Zürich
Eva Popenda PSI
Fabio Cascioli UZH
Fabio Maltoni CP3-UCLouvain
Falko Dulat ETH Zurich
Federico Chavez ETH Zürich
Florian Goertz ETH Zürich
Francesco Coradeschi ITP - EPFL
Franz Herzog CERN
Gabriel Abelof ETH Zürich
Giada Rutar ETH Zurich
Gilad Perez CERN & Weizmann
Gionata Luisoni Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Giuliano Panico CERN
Graeme Watt Universität Zürich
Gudrun Heinrich Max Planck Institute for Physics
Günther Dissertori ETH Zürich
Harald Ita Department of Physics
Hayk Sargsyan ETH Zurich
Ijaz Ahmed COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Joao Pires Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Jonas Lindert Max Planck Institute for Physics
Julián Cancino ETH Zürich
Leif Lönnblad Lund University
Lorena Rothen Universität Bern
Lorenzo Bianchini ETH - Institute for Particle Physics
Lorenzo Tancredi Zuerich University
Lorenzo Vitale EPFL
Marc Gillioz CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark
Marco Peruzzi ETH Zurich
Massimiliano Grazzini University of Zurich
Massimiliano Procura ITP Bern
Mathias Ritzmann IPhT Saclay
Matthias Neubert Johannes Gutenberg University
Mauro Donega ETH-Zurich
Michael Dittmar ETH Zürich
Michael Spannowsky IPPP
Michael Spira Paul Scherrer Institut
Michal Czakon RWTH Aachen
Mohammed Hemeda Center for Theoretical Physics CTP
Niccolo' Moretti UZH
Nicola Serra University of Zurich
Nicolas Chanon ETH Zurich
Nicolas Greiner Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik
Nigel Glover IPPP Durham
Niklas Mohr ETH Zürich
Paolo Torrielli UZH
Patricia Rebello Teles CBPF
Philipp Eller IPP ETH
Philipp Maierhöfer University of Zürich
Pier F Monni ITP, University of Zurich
Pierluigi Bortignon ETH Zürich
Pierre Savard University of Toronto and TRIUMF
Rachid ALIRADI Cerist and USTHB university of Algiers
Rainer Wallny IPP ETH Zuerich
Riccardo Torre SISSA and University of Padova
Rikkert Frederix CERN
Riva Francesco EPFL Lausanne / IFAE Barcelona
Safi Ahmed Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute
Shahram Rahatlou CERN
Simon Badger Niels Bohr Institute
Stefan Dittmaier University of Freiburg
Stefan Kallweit University of Zurich
Stefanie Piebinga ETH Zürich
Stefano Pozzorini Zurich University
Stephan Bühler ETH Zürich
Thomas Becher Universität Bern
Thomas Gehrmann Universität Zürich
Thomas Lübbert Universität Zürich
Valery Yundin Niels Bohr Institute
Zoltan Kunszt ITP, ETH, Zurich