SRM2.2 deployment workshop

Cramond, Newhaven (National eScience Centre)

Cramond, Newhaven

National eScience Centre

e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
Flavia Donno (CERN), Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh, GridPP)
When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN begin to operate in 2008, they will generate petabytes of data per year. In order to store and process all of the information, an international data and computing grid is being constructed, coordinated by the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project. The ability to store the generated data is central to the success of the project. Part of the solution is SRM2.2, a storage management protocol which has been implemented by multiple software providers. The software provides a uniform interface for accessing storage in a distributed Grid environment. The two most widely deployed systems in production are dCache and DPM. In addition, some Grid sites have deployed the CASTOR system while others have recently been evaluating StoRM. The goal of the workshop is to bring Grid site administrators with experience of dCache, DPM and StoRM together with software developers and other Grid storage experts. This will present a forum for information exchange regarding the deployment and operation of SRM2.2 services. By the end of the workshop, site administrators will be fully aware of the technology that must be deployed by February 2008 in order to provide a service that fully meets the needs of the LHC physics programme. Particular attention will be paid to the large number of sites who contribute small amounts of computing and storage resource (Tier-2s), as compared with national laboratories (Tier-1s). Configuration of SRM2.2 spaces and storage information publishing will be the main topics of interest during the workshop. Organisation This event is organised by GridPP, NeSC and WLCG-GSSD. Registration Please note this event is by invitation only. If you have received an invitation and intend to attend please register using the link below. If you have not received an invitation and feel you should have please contact Greig Cowan. Information Regular postings about the event are made to the GridPP storage blog: Map of Edinburgh and workshop location:,-3.180977&spn=7.941742,23.466797&z=6
  • Tuesday 13 November
    • StoRM (main workshop starts at 1pm) Cramond


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      This has been organised to accommodate Tier-2s who are interested in StoRM but who also want to attend the DPM and dCache sessions on Wednesday. The main workshop starts at 1pm on Tuesday. Unless you have registered for the StoRM session or are a dCache Tier-1 you should aim to arrive at NeSC for the start of the main workshop.

      During this session the StoRM project will be presented in details and internals, there will be an installation and configuration tutorial to describe how a site can set up StoRM and a practical hands on session where users can see StoRM at works together with developers.

      • 1
        What is StoRM and How it works
        Introduction to the StoRM project and internals features
      • 2
        Installation and configuration
        • a) Installing StoRM
          This session describe the StoRM installation process trough the YAIM tools.
        • b) Service configuration
          This session describe the service configuration process based on the file
        • c) Namespace configuration
          This session present in details the StoRM namespace component. The namespace component take care of storage configuration, storage area configuration, approachable rules and SURL-TURL mapping.
      • 3
        Coffe break
      • 4
        Hands on session
    • dCache Tier-1s (main workshop for everyone else starts at 1pm) Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Dedicated session for the Tier-1s.

      • 5
        Tier-1 update
      • 10:30
      • 6
        Lessons learned
    • Workshop welcome Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Welcome everyone to Edinburgh and NeSC. Quick overview of the material to be covered. This is the official start of the workshop.

      • 7
        Speaker: Dr Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
    • SRM2.2 concepts Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Covers the basic concepts of spaces, reservations, tokens as applies to storage at Tier-1s and Tier-2s (i.e. disk). This ideas presented here will be used throughout the workshop.

      • 8
        WLCG and SRM: some background
        A presentation covering the reasons behind the development of the SRM interface and how it will be used within the WLCG project.
        Speaker: Dr Flavia Donno (CERN)
      • 9
        Spaces, tokens and descriptions: the language of SRM2.2
        Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
      • 10
        SRM2.2 in DPM
        Speaker: Jean-Philippe Baud (CERN)
      • 11
        SRM2.2 in dCache
      • 12
        SRM2.2 in CASTOR
        Speaker: Jens Jensen (CLRC-RAL)
      • 13
        SRM2.2 in StoRM
        Speaker: Dr Riccardo Zappi (CNAF-INFN)
      • 14
        SRM2.2 and GLUE1.3
        Description of how the information system will be used to publish SRM2.2 details.
        Speaker: Dr Stephen Burke (RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY)
    • 15:00
      break Chapterhouse


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
    • What do the experiments want from your storage? Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      This session will give a chance for sites to discover how the LHC experiments will use SRM2.2 storage. Contributions from ATLAS and CMS should talk about how they will use the Tier-2 disk. LHCb only require Tier-1 disk and tape.

      Convener: Dr Flavia Donno (CERN)
      • 15
        Speaker: Dr Graeme A Stewart (University of Glasgow)
      • 16
        Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN-Bari)
      • 17
        Speaker: Andrew Cameron Smith (University of Edinburgh)
    • Question and answer session Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Specific use cases should be discussed. SRM1 to SRM2.2 transition should be mentioned.

      Convener: Dr Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
    • 19:30
      Workshop dinner George Hotel (Tempus Restaurant)

      George Hotel

      Tempus Restaurant

      George Hotel 25 George Street Edinburgh

      Participants should sign the sheet of paper when they arrive if they want to attend the dinner.

      Directions from NeSC:,+Edinburgh,+City+of+Edinburgh&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=15+south+college+street&f=d&sll=55.953952,-3.195673&sspn=0.008109,0.022917&ie=UTF8&ll=55.950545,-3.191764&spn=0.00811,0.022917&z=16&om=1

  • Wednesday 14 November
    • DPM SRM2.2 configuration (1) Cramond


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      DPM configuration tutorial. Runs in parallel with the dCache one.

      • 18
        DPM configuration
        Speakers: Jean-Philippe Baud (CERN), Sophie Lemaitre (Unknown)
      • 19
        DPM information publishing
        Speaker: Dr Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
    • dCache SRM2.2 configuration (1) Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Parallel tutorials will be given for dCache and DPM sites. Developers will be on hand to answer specific questions. Sites should attend session appropriate for them.

      • 20
        dCache configruation Newhaven


        National eScience Centre

        e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
        During session (2) participants should get the chance to ssh from their laptops into a pre-installed dCache instance and apply some of the material that has been presented in previous sessions. To enhance this experience, people should download the dCache administration client GUI: Select the "All dCache versions" link and follow the installation instructions.
        Speakers: Owen Synge (Unknown), Dr Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY), Timur Perelmutov (FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY)
      • 21
        dCache information publishing Newhaven


        National eScience Centre

        e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
        Speaker: Ron Trompert (SARA)
      • 22
        dCache pool metadata database Cramond


        National eScience Centre

        e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
        Introduction to the new dCache pool metadata databases which will replace the existing pool control files in a future release of dCache.
        Speaker: Gerd Behrmann (NDGF)
    • 10:30
      coffee break Chapterhouse


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
    • DPM SRM2.2 configuration (2) Cramond


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      We may have the option of letting people loose on some test dCache and DPM installations in order to play about with the configuration of the service. Details of hostname and passwords will be provided to allow you to ssh into the hosts from your laptops.

      • 23
        DPM hands on
        Configuration of SRM services will be presented. Reconfiguration should be discussed. Tips on running a DPM service and common error messages to look out for.
        Speakers: Jean-Philippe Baud (CERN), Sophie Lemaitre (Unknown)
    • dCache SRM2.2 configuration (2) Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      We may have the option of letting people loose on some test dCache and DPM installations in order to play about with the configuration of the service. Details of hostname and passwords will be provided to allow you to ssh into the hosts from your laptops.

      • 24
        dCache hands on
        Configuring SRM2.2 services. Main dCache concepts required. gPlazma configuration. Common error messages. During session (2) participants should get the chance to ssh from their laptops into a pre-installed dCache instance and apply some of the material that has been presented in previous sessions. To enhance this experience, people should download the dCache administration client GUI: Select the "All dCache versions" link and follow the installation instructions.
        Speakers: Owen Synge (Unknown), Dr Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY), Timur Perelmutov (FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Chapterhouse


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
    • SRM2.2 availability monitoring Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
      • 25
        Service availability monitoring
        Storage related SAM tests.
        Speaker: Dr Flavia Donno (CERN)
      • 26
        SRM2.2 testing
        Speaker: Dr Flavia Donno (CERN)
    • Storage support: discussion Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      With the LHC data expected next year, it is essential that grid storage services have high availability and reliability such that physics analysis can be completed. During this session, ideas about the future of storage support within WLCG will be presented and discussed among the sites, middleware developers, experiments and WLCG representatives.

    • SRM Client tools Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Summary of the tools that will be interacting with the SE.

      • 27
        Client tools for SRM2.2 operations Newhaven


        National eScience Centre

        e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
        Description of the client tools which users will use to interact with the SRMs and which site administrators can use to debug problems.
        Speaker: Dr Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
      • 28
        FTS2 Cramond


        National eScience Centre

        e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
        The EGEE File Transfer Service (FTS) will be presented. In particular Tier-1s and Tier-2s should find out how to debug problems involving the FTS. For example where to look for information (online FTS log files, monitoring plots) and what to look for (i.e. typical failure modes, error return codes).
        Speaker: Paolo Tedesco (Unknown)
    • Workshop close Newhaven


      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland
      • 29
        Workshop summary
        Speaker: Dr Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
    • 16:15
      break Cramond, Newhaven

      Cramond, Newhaven

      National eScience Centre

      e-Science Institute 15 South College Street Edinburgh EH8 9AA Scotland

      Coffee is available prior to participants leaving NeSC.