14–18 Oct 2013
Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Installation and configuration of an SDN test-bed made of physical switches and virtual switches managed by an Open Flow controller.

14 Oct 2013, 15:00
Grote zaal (Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage)

Grote zaal

Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage

Poster presentation Facilities, Production Infrastructures, Networking and Collaborative Tools Poster presentations


Donato De Girolamo (INFN CNAF)Mr Lorenzo Chiarelli (INFN CNAF)Mr Stefano Zani (INFN CNAF)


The computing models of HEP experiments, starting from the LHC ones, are facing an evolution with the relaxation of the data locality paradigm: the possibility of a job accessing data files over the WAN is becoming more and more common. One of the key factors for the success of this change is the ability to use the network in the most efficient way: in the best scenario, the network should be capable to change its behavior on the base of a per flow analysis. The SDN (Software Defined Networks) are a promising technology to address this challenging requirement and OpenFlow is a candidate protocol to implement it. At CNAF, we have installed a Software Defined Networks test-bed functional to build a concrete layout where testing OpenFlow protocol and the interoperability between devices of different vendors. The objective of this activity is to build a network with a control plane driven by a software layer in charge of defining the "route" for a specific flow, based on conditions verified inside a datacenter network, in order to solve routing problems not addressable with standard networking protocols.


Mr Stefano Zani (INFN CNAF)


Donato De Girolamo (INFN CNAF) Mr Lorenzo Chiarelli (INFN CNAF)

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