1322 / 1322
- Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (Marseille)
Eric van Herwijnen
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
- David Abbott (Jefferson Lab)
- David Abdurachmanov (Vilnius University (LT))
- Tareq AbuZayyad (University of Utah)
- James Adams (STFC RAL)
- Philip Adamson (Fermilab)
- David Adey (Fermilab)
- Peter Adzic (University of Belgrade (RS))
- Osman AIDEL (CNRS / CC-IN2P3)
- Alberto Aimar (CERN)
Shuhei Ajimura
(Osaka University)
- Co-author in Control functionality of DAQ-Middleware
- Valentina Akishina (Uni-Frankfurt)
- Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
- Solveig Albrand (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Johannes Albrecht (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
Federico Alessio
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
- Mohammad Al-Turany (GSI)
- Roberto Alvarez Alonso (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Co-author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
- Co-author in FTS3 – Robust, simplified and high-performance data movement service for WLCG
- Co-author in The DMLite Rucio Plugin: ATLAS data in a filesystem
- Samir Amar-Youcef (Uni Frankfurt)
- Silvia Amerio (University of Padova & INFN)
- Roberto Ammendola (INFN)
- James Amundson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- . Ananya (IIT - Indian Institute of Technology)
- Martin Skou Andersen (University of Copenhagen (DK))
Noriaki Ando
(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Co-author in Control functionality of DAQ-Middleware
- Rolf Edward Andreassen (University of Cincinnati (US))
Julia Andreeva
- Author in Towards a centralized Grid Speedometer
- Co-author in Common accounting system for monitoring the ATLAS Distributed Computing resources
- Co-author in Experiment Dashboard Task Monitor for managing ATLAS user analysis on the Grid
- Co-author in Monitoring of large-scale federated data storage: XRootD and beyond.
- Co-author in Processing of the WLCG monitoring data using NoSQL.
- Co-author in WLCG Transfers Dashboard: A unified monitoring tool for heterogeneous data transfers.
- Ekrem Oguzhan Anguner (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
Alexey Anisenkov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
- Author in AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System
- Gianni Antichi (Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa)
- Stefano Antonelli (CNAF - INFN)
John Apostolakis
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Co-author in High Energy Electromagnetic Particle Transportation on the GPU
- Co-author in The path toward HEP High Performance Computing
- Robert Appleyard (STFC)
- Silvia Arezzini (Univ. + INFN)
- Dmitry Arkhipkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Gregory Arneodo (CERN)
- Luisa Arrabito (LUPM Université Montpellier 2, IN2P3/CNRS)
- Kapil Arya (Northeastern University)
- Ruslan Asfandiyarov (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Andre Augustinus (CERN)
- Anshul AVASTHI (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology)
- Eduardo Bach (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
- Matthias Jakob Bach (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
Alexey Badalov
(La Salle - Ramon Llull University)
- Author in A GPU offloading mechanism for LHCb
- Simone Badoer (INFN LNL)
Pierre Baehler
- Co-author in Continuous service improvement
- Stefano Bagnasco (Universita e INFN (IT))
Alexander Bagulya
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Robert Ball (University of Michigan (US))
- Sergio Ballestrero (University of Johannesburg (ZA))
- Arnim Balzer (DESY, University Potsdam)
- Zbigniew Baranowski (CERN)
- Dario Barberis (Università e INFN Genova (IT))
- Artur Jerzy Barczyk (California Institute of Technology (US))
- Artur Jerzy Barczyk (California Institute of Technology (US))
Martin Barisits
- Author in ATLAS Replica Management in Rucio: Replication Rules and Subscriptions
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM Workload Emulation
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 to Rucio renaming infrastructure
- Co-author in Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
- Co-author in Rucio - The next generation of large scale distributed system for ATLAS Data Management
- Co-author in The ATLAS Data Management Software Engineering Process
- Gergely Barnafoldi (Wigner RCP Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
- Thomas Baron (CERN)
- Vincent Barra (LIMOS, UMR 6158 CNRS, Univ. Blaise Pascal.)
Quentin Barrand
- Author in Testing as a Service with HammerCloud
- Guy Barrand (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino (CERN)
Nacho Barrientos Arias
- Author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
- Olof Barring (CERN)
Maite Barroso Lopez
- Author in Continuous service improvement
- Tullio Basaglia (CERN)
Giorgi Batiashvili
(Computer Aided Design Center (GE))
- Co-author in A tool for Conditions Tag Management in ATLAS
- Matej Batic (Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Jorge Batista (University of Michigan)
- Silvia Maria Batraneanu (University of California Irvine (US))
- Florian Bauer (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Gerry Bauer
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Alexandre Beche (CERN)
- Matthew Beckingham (University of Washington (US))
Thomas Beermann
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- Author in Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM Workload Emulation
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 to Rucio renaming infrastructure
- Co-author in ATLAS Replica Management in Rucio: Replication Rules and Subscriptions
- Co-author in Rucio - The next generation of large scale distributed system for ATLAS Data Management
- Co-author in The ATLAS Data Management Software Engineering Process
- Bagmeet Behera (DESY, Zeuthen)
Ulf Behrens
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Stefano Belforte (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Jouri Belikov (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
- Zane Bell (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Tim Bell (CERN)
Bertrand Bellenot
- Author in ROOT I/O in JavaScript - Reading ROOT files in a browser
- Co-author in ROOT: native graphics on Mac OS X
- Francesca Bellini (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Sergey Belogurov (ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
- Sergey Belov (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Marco Bencivenni (INFN)
- Doug Benjamin (Duke University (US))
- Yuri Berchun (BMSTU)
- Cinzia Bernardeschi (University of Pisa)
- Christian Bernardt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Dario Berzano
- Author in Integrating multiple scientific computing needs via a Private Cloud Infrastructure
- Author in PROOF as a Service on the Cloud: a Virtual Analysis Facility based on the CernVM ecosystem
- Co-author in CernVM Online and Cloud Gateway: a uniform interface for CernVM contextualization and deployment
- Co-author in Micro-CernVM: Slashing the Cost of Building and Deploying Virtual Machines
- Latchezar Betev (CERN)
- Anju Bhasin (University of Jammu (IN))
Wahid Bhimji
(University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Author in Hepdoop
- Co-author in Analysis and improvement of data-set level file distribution in Disk Pool Manager
- Andrea Biagioni (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Andrea Biagioni (INFN Roma)
- Fabrizio Bianchi
- Massimo Biasotto (INFN LNL)
Radoslav Bielek
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
Kurt Biery
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in The artdaq Data Acquisition Software Toolkit
- Author in The Data Acquisition System for DarkSide-50
- Co-author in The NOvA Far Detector Data Acquisition System
Marcello Bindi
(University of Bologna and INFN (IT))
- Co-author in Compute Farm Software for ATLAS IBL Calibration
- Sebastien Binet (IN2P3/LAL)
- Mathew Binkley (V)
- MA Binsong (IPN Orsay France)
- Emrah Birsin (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
- Catherine Biscarat (LPSC/IN2P3/CNRS France)
- John Bland (University of Liverpool)
Jakob Blomer
- Author in Micro-CernVM: Slashing the Cost of Building and Deploying Virtual Machines
- Co-author in CernVM Online and Cloud Gateway: a uniform interface for CernVM contextualization and deployment
- Co-author in PROOF as a Service on the Cloud: a Virtual Analysis Facility based on the CernVM ecosystem
- Co-author in Security in the CernVM File System and the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System
Kenneth Bloom
(University of Nebraska (US))
- Author in CMS Use of a Data Federation
- Co-author in Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS)
- Barry Jay Blumenfeld (Johns Hopkins University (US))
Tommaso Boccali
(Sezione di Pisa (IT))
- Author in Optimization of Italian CMS Computing Centers via MIUR funded Research Projects
- Co-author in INFN Pisa scientific computation environment (GRID HPC and Interactive analysis)
- Co-author in Preserving access to ALEPH Computing Environment via Virtual Machines
- Co-author in Toward the Cloud Storage Interface of the INFN CNAF Tier-1 Mass Storage System
Brian Paul Bockelman
(University of Nebraska (US))
- Author in Big Data - Flexible Data - for HEP
- Author in Minimizing draining waste through extending the lifetime of pilot jobs in Grid environments
- Author in OASIS: a data and software distribution service for Open Science Grid
- Author in Optimizing High-Latency I/O in CMSSW
- Co-author in Accessing opportunistic resources with Bosco
- Co-author in Grid Accounting Service: State and Future Development
- Martin Bodlak (Charles University (CZ))
Alexey Bogdanov
(Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (RU))
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Mirko Boin (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)
Enrico Bonaccorsi
- Author in Performance evaluation and capacity planning for a scalable and highly available virtulization infrastructure for the LHCb experiment
- Co-author in ECFS: A decentralized, distributed and fault-tolerant FUSE filesystem for the LHCb online farm
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
- Daniele Bonacorsi (University of Bologna)
- Eric Bonfillou (CERN)
- Goncalo Borges
- Misha Borodin (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (RU))
- Carlos Borrego Iglesias (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES))
- Mirela Madalina Botezatu
- Gautam Botrel (Universite Paul Sabatier (FR))
- Dimitri Bourilkov (University of Florida (US))
- Dennis Box (F)
- Eric Boyd (Internet2)
Scott Bradley
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in WAN Data Movement Architectures at US-LHC Tier-1s
James Gordon Branson
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Andrew Branson (University of the West of England (GB))
Loic Brarda
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
- Franco Brasolin (Universita e INFN (IT))
William Dmitri Breaden Madden
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Co-author in ATLAS Job Transforms: A Data Driven Workflow Engine
- Timo Gunther Breitner (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
Timothy Michael Bristow
(University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Co-author in Hepdoop
Ricardo Brito Da Rocha
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Co-author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
Ricardo Brito Da Rocha
- Co-author in The DMLite Rucio Plugin: ATLAS data in a filesystem
David Britton
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Co-author in A Voyage to Arcturus
- Co-author in Analysis and improvement of data-set level file distribution in Disk Pool Manager
- Co-author in Monitoring in a grid cluster
- Aaron Brown
- Robert Brown (Vanderbilt University)
Eric Charles Brownson
(University of Puerto Rico (US))
- Co-author in CMS geometry through 2020
Rene Brun
- Co-author in The path toward HEP High Performance Computing
- Riccardo Brunetti (Unknown)
- Marc Bruyere (1 CNRS, LAAS, 2 Université de Toulouse, LAAS, 3 DELL Inc)
- Andy Buckley (University of Edinburgh (GB))
Elizabeth Buckley-Geer
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Data Processing for the Dark Energy Survey
- Predrag Buncic (CERN)
- Predrag Buncic (CERN)
- Stephen Burke (egi.eu)
- Lena Bystritskaya (ITEP Moscow, Russia)
- Bruno Bzeznik (UJF/CIMENT/LIG)
Jose Caballero Bejar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Author in Disaster Recovery and Data Center Operational Continuity
- Author in OASIS: a data and software distribution service for Open Science Grid
- Co-author in AutoPyFactory and the Cloud: Flexible, scalable, and automatic management of virtual resources for ATLAS
- Co-author in Next Generation PanDA Pilot for ATLAS and Other Experiments
- Luis Cabellos (IFCA, CSIC-UC)
- Marco Caberletti (INFN)
- Iban Jose Cabrillo Bartolome (IFCA, CSIC-UC, Santander, SPAIN)
Philippe Calfayan
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Co-author in The DMLite Rucio Plugin: ATLAS data in a filesystem
Ivan Calvet
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Co-author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
- David Calvet (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
- David Cameron (University of Oslo (NO))
Simone Campana
- Author in Deployment of a WLCG network monitoring infrastructure based on the perfSONAR-PS technology
- Author in Evolution of the ATLAS Distributed Computing system during the LHC Long Shutdown
- Co-author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Monitoring tools during the LHC Run I
- Co-author in Common accounting system for monitoring the ATLAS Distributed Computing resources
- Co-author in Squid monitoring tools - a common solution for LHC experiments.
- Daniel Hugo Campora Perez (CERN)
- Philippe Canal (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Luca Canali (CERN)
- Marco Canaparo (INFN CNAF)
- German Cancio Melia (CERN)
- Eric Cano (CERN)
- Silvia Capelli (INFN Milano-Bicocca)
- Vincenzo Capone (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Costin Caramarcu (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Andrea Carboni (Unknown)
- Franco Carena (CERN)
Wisla Carena
- Co-author in System performance monitoring of the ALICE Data Acquisition System with Zabbix
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ infoLogger
- Federico Carminati (CERN)
- Adrian Casajus Ramo (University of Barcelona (ES))
- Kevin CASELLA (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Roberto Castello (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
- Jose Castro Leon (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
- Marco Cattaneo (CERN)
Jakub Čerkala
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
- Keith Chadwick (Fermilab)
- Belinda Chan (CERN)
- Sylvain Chapeland (CERN)
- John Derek Chapman (University of Cambridge (GB))
- Ioannis Charalampidis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR))
- Philippe Charpentier (CERN)
- Neelima Chauhan (Mody Institute of Technology and Science (IN))
Olivier Chaze
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
Mohamed Chebbi
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
F. Checherov
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
- Co-author in LHC Grid Computing in Russia- present and future
- Yaodong CHENG (Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Andrey Chernogorov (ITEP)
- Lorenzo Chiarelli (INFN CNAF)
- Vasco Chibante Barroso (CERN)
- Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)
- Taylor Childers (CERN)
- Dmitry Chirkin (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Peter Chochula (CERN)
- Marcin Jakub Chrzaszcz (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
Jiri Chudoba
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
- Author in Enabling IPv6 at FZU - WLCG Tier2 in Prague
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Janusz Chwastowski (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Alberto Ciampa (Universita degli Studi di Pisa-INFN, Sezione di Pisa)
- Vincenzo Ciaschini (INFN CNAF)
- Mattia Cinquilli (CERN)
Sergio Cittolin
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
Peter Clarke
(University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Co-author in Recent and planned changes to the LHCb computing model
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
Marco Clemencic
- Author in A New Nightly Build System for LHCb
- Co-author in ARIADNE: a Tracking System for Relationships in LHCb Metadata
- Co-author in CORAL and COOL during the LHC long shutdown
- Co-author in Measurements of the LHCb software stack on the ARM architecture
- Benoit Clement (CERN)
- Massimiliano Clemenza (Università di Milano Bicocca)
- Massimiliano Clemenza (INFN Milano-Bicocca)
- Joel Closier (CERN)
- Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez (CERN)
- Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez (CERN)
- Marina Cobal (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))
- Paul Coddington (eRSA)
- Miguel Coelho dos Santos (CERN)
- Johann Cohen-Tanugi (LUPM Université Montpellier 2, IN2P3/CNRS)
- Ian Collier (UK Tier1 Centre)
- David Colling (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Catalin Condurache
(STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Co-author in CernVM-FS - Beyond LHC Computing
- Cristian Contescu (Polytechnic University of Bucharest (RO))
Francesco Conventi
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Co-author in Self-Organizing Map in ATLAS Higgs Searches
- Gene Cooperman (Unknown)
Matej Čopík
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
- Joao Correia Fernandes (CERN)
- Marco Corvo (INFN)
- Simone Coscetti (Sezione di Pisa (IT))
Gabriele Cosmo
- Author in Geant4 - Towards major release 10
- Fulvia Costa (INFN Padova)
- Filippo Costa (CERN)
- Pascal Costanza (ExaScience Lab, Intel, Belgium)
- Yiannis Cotronis (University of Athens)
- Ben Couturier (CERN)
- Bob Cowles (BrightLite Information Security)
- Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))
- Jack Cranshaw (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
- Oliviero Cremonesi (INFN)
- Alberto Crescente (INFN Padova)
David Crooks
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Author in Monitoring in a grid cluster
- Co-author in A Voyage to Arcturus
- Consortium CTA (Heidelberg)
- The CTA Consortium (CTA Consortium)
- Samir Cury Siqueira (California Institute of Technology (US))
- Pietro Dalpiaz (Universita di Ferrara (IT))
- Stefano Dal Pra (Unknown)
- Krzysztof Danielowski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland)
- Sadhana Dash (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
- Diogo Raphael Da Silva Di Calafiori (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
- Gavin Davies (Iowa State University)
- Brian Davies (Lancaster University (GB))
Kaushik De
(University of Texas at Arlington (US))
- Author in Integrating the Network into LHC Experiments: Update on the ANSE (Advanced Network Services for Experiments) Project
- Co-author in Evolution of the ATLAS PanDA Workload Management System for Exascale Computational Science
- Co-author in Next Generation PanDA Pilot for ATLAS and Other Experiments
- Co-author in Task Management in the New ATLAS Production System
- Chiara Debenedetti (University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Raffaela De Castro Cunha (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
- Donato De Girolamo (INFN CNAF)
- Federico De Guio (CERN)
Christian Deldicque
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Manuel Delfino Reznicek (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
- Luca dell'Agnello (INFN-CNAF)
Giuseppe Della Ricca
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Co-author in Distributed storage and cloud computing: a test case
- Charles Delort (Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))
- Jose Del Peso (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES))
- Domenico Del Prete (I.N.F.N.)
- Phil Demar (Fermilab)
Mathieu de Naurois
(LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Phase II Data Acquisition System
- Ervin Denes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
- Ziyan Deng (Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS)
Achim Denig
(Univ. Mainz)
- Co-author in Offline software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
- Marek Kamil Denis (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
- Alessandro De Salvo (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Cristian De Santis (Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
Weeraddana De Silva
(University of Cincinnati (US))
- Co-author in GooFit: A massively-parallel fitting framework
- John Steven De Stefano Jr (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Gregory Deuerling (Fermilab)
- Michael Deveaux (University Frankfurt)
Adrien Devresse
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Alastair Dewhurst (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Shaun De Witt (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Domenico Diacono (INFN Bari)
- Juan Carlos Diaz Velez (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Camilla Di Donato (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Daniel Diéguez Arias (CERN / University of Vigo (ES))
- Victor Diez Gonzalez (Univ. Rov. i Virg., Tech. Sch. Eng.-Unknown-Unknown)
Alessandro Di Girolamo
- Author in Towards a Global Service Registry for the World-wide LHC Computing Grid
- Co-author in AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System
- Co-author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Monitoring tools during the LHC Run I
- Co-author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Operation Shift Teams experience during the discovery year and beginning of the Long Shutdown 1
- Co-author in Automating usability of ATLAS Distributed Computing resources
- Co-author in Design and Performance of the Virtualization Platform for Offline computing on the ATLAS TDAQ Farm
- Co-author in Squid monitoring tools - a common solution for LHC experiments.
- Francesca Di Lodovico (Queen Mary College, University of London, UK)
Gancho Dimitrov
- Author in Next generation database relational solutions for ATLAS distributed computing
- Co-author in ATLAS Nightly Build System Upgrade
- Co-author in DCS Data Viewer, a Application that Access ATLAS DCS historical Data
- Co-author in The ATLAS EventIndex: an event catalogue for experiments collecting large amounts of data
- Co-author in The future of event-level information repositories, indexing and selection in ATLAS
- Maria Dimou (CERN)
- Roberto Di Nardo (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
- Andrea Di Simone (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
- Guenther Dissertori (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
- Roberto Divia (CERN)
- Lubomir Djambazov (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
- Adam Dobbs (Imperial College London)
Marc Dobson
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Thomas Doherty (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Glasgow)
- Thomas Doherty (University of Glasgow)
- Matthew Doidge (Lancaster University)
A. Dolbilov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
- Co-author in LHC Grid Computing in Russia- present and future
- Marek Domaracky (CERN)
- Andrea Domenici (University of Pisa)
Giacinto Donvito
- Author in An Xrootd Italian Federation for CMS
- Author in Dirac integration with a general purpose bookkeeping DB: a complete general suite
- Author in R&D work for a data model definition: data access and storage system studies
- Co-author in Optimization of Italian CMS Computing Centers via MIUR funded Research Projects
- Giacinto Donvito (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Vincent Dore (CERN)
- Alessandra Doria (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Bruno Luis Dos Santos Bompastor (ADI Agencia de Inovacao (PT))
- Jeffrey M. Dost (University of California San Diego)
- Helmut Dres (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Paul Dressendorfer (IEEE)
- Xiaofeng DU (IHEP)
- Guenter Duckeck (Experimentalphysik-Fakultaet fuer Physik-Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni)
- Dirk Duellmann (CERN)
- E. Craig Dukes (University of Virginia)
- Oleg Dulov (KIT)
- Catalin Lucian Dumitrescu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Aymeric Arnaud Dupont
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Guillaume Duran (CERN)
- Paolo Durante (CERN)
- Dave Dykstra (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Ivan Antoniev Dzhunov
(University of Sofia)
- Author in Towards a centralized Grid Speedometer
- Co-author in Processing of the WLCG monitoring data using NoSQL.
- Johannes Ebke (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
Johannes Ebke
(TNG Technology Consulting)
- Author in The Drillbit column store
- Paula Eerola (Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP))
- Wolfgang Ehrenfeld (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
Marek Elias
- Author in Enabling IPv6 at FZU - WLCG Tier2 in Prague
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US))
Johannes Elmsheuser
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Author in Grid Site Testing for ATLAS with HammerCloud
- Author in Testing as a Service with HammerCloud
- Markus Elsing (CERN)
- Victor Daniel Elvira (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Andrew Elwell
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Dmitry Emeliyanov (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Heiko Engel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
- Martin Erdmann (RWTH Aachen University)
Samim Erhan
(Univ. of California Los Angeles (US))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Michael Ernst (Unknown)
- Dominic Eschweiler (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
- Xavier Espinal Curull (CERN)
- Giulio Eulisse (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Line Everaerts
- Co-author in Continuous service improvement
Edgar Fajardo Hernandez
(Universidad de los Andes (CO))
- Author in Towards a centralized Grid Speedometer
- Riccardo Fantechi (Sezione di Pisa (IT))
- Sergio Fantinel (INFN LNL)
- Robert Fay (University of Liverpool)
Simon Fayer
(Imperial College)
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
Qi Fazhi
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Ivan Fedorko (CERN)
Florian Feldbauer
(University Mainz)
- Co-author in Offline software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
Florian Feldbauer
(Universität Mainz)
- Co-author in A Common Partial Wave Anaylsis Framework for PANDA
- Armando Fella (INFN Pisa)
Tomas Fernandez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
- Co-author in Cloud flexibility using Dirac Interware
- Victor Manuel Fernandez Albor (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
- Alvaro Fernandez Casani (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Javier Fernandez Menendez (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
- Tiziana Ferrari (INFN CNAF)
- Roberto Ferrari (INFN Padova)
- Pedro Ferreira (CERN)
- John Peter Fetzko (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Laurence Field (CERN)
- Christos Filippidis (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))
- Dale Finkelson (Internet2)
Thomas Finnern
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
Benjamin Fiorini
- Co-author in Agile Infrastructure Monitoring
- Co-author in Streamlining CASTOR to manage the LHC data torrent
Massimiliano Fiorini
- Co-author in GPU for Real Time processing in HEP trigger systems
- Robert Fischer (RWTH Aachen University)
- Max Fischer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Ian Fisk
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in CMS Computing Operations During Run1
- Author in CMS Multicore Scheduling Strategy
- Author in Evaluating Tier-1 Sized Online Storage Solutions
- Author in Evolution of the pilot infrastructure of CMS: towards a single glideinWMS pool
- Author in Opportunistic Computing only knocks once: Processing at SDSC
- Author in The Common Analysis Framework Project
- Co-author in CMS Computing Model Evolution
- Co-author in CMS Data Analysis School Model
- Co-author in CMS experience of running glideinWMS in High Availability mode
- Co-author in CMS users data management service integration and first experiences with its NoSQL data storage
- Co-author in Opportunistic Resource Usage in CMS
- Co-author in Using ssh as portal - The CMS CRAB over glideinWMS experience
- Sebastian Fleischmann (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
Tobias Flick
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- Co-author in Compute Farm Software for ATLAS IBL Calibration
- José Flix
- Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Alexander Fomenko (Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia)
- Andrea Fontana (Universita degli Studi di Pavia)
- Andrea Formica (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Pirjo-Leena Forsström
- Author in Data archiving and data stewardship
- Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester (GB))
Stephen Foulkes
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Co-author in The artdaq Data Acquisition Software Toolkit
- Co-author in The Data Acquisition System for DarkSide-50
- Paolo Franchini (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Martin Frank (U)
- Markus Frank (CERN)
Virginia Franqueira
(University of Central Lancashire, UK)
- Co-author in Efficient computation of hash functions
Dan Fraser
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Accessing opportunistic resources with Bosco
Jaime Frey
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Co-author in Accessing opportunistic resources with Bosco
- Ottorino Frezza (INFN Roma)
Miriam Fritsch
(University Mainz)
- Co-author in A Common Partial Wave Anaylsis Framework for PANDA
- Co-author in Offline software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
- Vladimir Frolov (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- James Frost (University of Cambridge (GB))
- Ulrich Fuchs (CERN)
- Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY)
- Jerome Fulachier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Daniel Funke (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Fabrizio Furano
- Author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Co-author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
- Matthias Füßling (University Potsdam)
- Ian Gable (University of Victoria (CA))
Frank-Dieter Gaede
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Author in Track Reconstruction at the ILC
- Co-author in DD4hep: A General Purpose Detector Description Toolkit
- Irwin Gaines (DOE/FNAL)
Michael Gajdus
(Humboldt University Berlin)
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Phase II Data Acquisition System
- Elizabeth Gallas (University of Oxford (GB))
- domenico galli (Università di Bologna and INFN)
- Gorm Galster (University of Copenhagen (DK))
- Carlos Fernando Gamboa (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Gerardo Ganis
- Author in Evaluating Google Compute Engine with PROOF
- Co-author in CernVM Online and Cloud Gateway: a uniform interface for CernVM contextualization and deployment
- Co-author in Micro-CernVM: Slashing the Cost of Building and Deploying Virtual Machines
- Co-author in PROOF as a Service on the Cloud: a Virtual Analysis Facility based on the CernVM ecosystem
- Co-author in PROOF-based analysis on the ATLAS Grid facilities: first experience with the PoD/PanDa plugin
- Enrique GARCIA (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Jose Enrique Garcia Navarro (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US))
Laurent Garnier
- Author in Geant4 application in a web browser
Vincent Garonne
- Author in Rucio - The next generation of large scale distributed system for ATLAS Data Management
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM Workload Emulation
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 to Rucio renaming infrastructure
- Co-author in ATLAS Replica Management in Rucio: Replication Rules and Subscriptions
- Co-author in Next generation database relational solutions for ATLAS distributed computing
- Co-author in Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
- Co-author in The ATLAS Data Management Software Engineering Process
Gabriele Garzoglio
- Author in Big Data over a 100G Network at Fermilab
- Co-author in Grids, Virtualization and Clouds at Fermilab
- Clara Gaspar (CERN)
Martin Gasthuber
- Co-author in Optimization of data life cycles
- Stavro Gayazov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
- Stefano Gelain (University of Padova & INFN)
Andreas Gellrich
- Author in Job Scheduling in Grid Farms
Margaret Gelman
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
- Co-author in Data Processing for the Dark Energy Survey
- Alain Gentit (CERN)
- Andrei Gheata (CERN)
- Mihaela Gheata (ISS - Institute of Space Science (RO))
Francesco Giacomini
- Author in An Infrastructure in Support of Software Development
- Author in Computing on Knights and Kepler Architectures
- Co-author in Dirac integration with a general purpose bookkeeping DB: a complete general suite
- Co-author in R&D work for a data model definition: data access and storage system studies
Stefano Giagu
(Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Co-author in GPU for Real Time processing in HEP trigger systems
Andrea Giammanco
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
- Author in The Fast Simulation of the CMS detector
- Alessio Gianelle (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Alberto Gianoli (Universita di Ferrara (IT))
Andre Giesler
(FZ Jülich)
- Co-author in Optimization of data life cycles
- Manuel Giffels (CERN)
Dominique Gigi
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
Stefano Giordano
(Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa)
- Co-author in Time structure analysis of the LHCb Online network
- Domenico Giordano (CERN)
- Pierre-Francois Giraud (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
- Maria Girone (CERN)
- Oleksandr Gituliar (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland)
- Christian Glaser (RWTH Aachen University)
Frank Glege
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Vladimir Gligorov (CERN)
- Kostas Glinos (European Commission)
Klaus Goetzen
(GSI Darmstadt)
- Co-author in A Common Partial Wave Anaylsis Framework for PANDA
- Nelly Gogitidze (Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia)
- Steven Goldfarb (University of Michigan (US))
- Piotr Golonka (CERN)
- Dmitri Golubkov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)-Unknown-Unknown)
Vitor Emanuel Gomes Gouveia
(Universidade de Lisboa (PT))
- Co-author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
Juan Pablo Gomez
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
Robert Gomez-Reino Garrido
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
Joao Ricardo Goncalves Lopes Ascenso
(Universidade de Evora (PT))
- Co-author in Agile Infrastructure Monitoring
- Alvaro Gonzalez Alvarez (CERN)
- Isidro Gonzalez Caballero (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
- Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz (IFIC-Valencia)
- Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez (CERN)
Luc Goossens
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM Workload Emulation
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 to Rucio renaming infrastructure
- Co-author in ATLAS Replica Management in Rucio: Replication Rules and Subscriptions
- Co-author in Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
- Co-author in Rucio - The next generation of large scale distributed system for ATLAS Data Management
- Co-author in The ATLAS Data Management Software Engineering Process
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Sergey Gorbunov (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
Daniel Göring
(University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Co-author in The H.E.S.S. Phase II Data Acquisition System
Michelle Gower
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
- Co-author in Data Processing for the Dark Energy Survey
Neha Goyal
(Mody Institute of Technology and Science (IN))
- Co-author in CORAL and COOL during the LHC long shutdown
- Ricardo Graciani Diaz (University of Barcelona (ES))
- Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
- Norman Anthony Graf (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Eric Grancher (CERN)
- Claudio Grandi (INFN - Bologna)
- Christopher Green (Fermilab)
- Christian Grefe (CERN)
- Daniele Gregori (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
- Guenter Grein (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Vladimir Grichine
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Costin Grigoras (CERN)
- Alina Gabriela Grigoras (CERN)
- Alexandru Grigore (Polytechnic University of Bucharest (RO))
- David Groep (NIKHEF (NL))
- Johannes Philipp Grohs (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
Joern Grosse-Knetter
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
- Co-author in Compute Farm Software for ATLAS IBL Calibration
- Anthony Grossir (CERN)
- Raffaele Grosso (University of Houston (US))
- Robert Group (University of Virginia)
- Rafal Zbigniew Grzymkowski (P)
- William Gu (Jefferson Lab)
Juan Manuel Guijarro
- Co-author in Continuous service improvement
- Co-author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
- Michele Gulmini (INFN LNL)
- Yuyi Guo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Ashu Guru
(University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
- Co-author in Grid Accounting Service: State and Future Development
- Co-author in Public Storage for the Open Science Grid
- David Gutierrez Rueda (CERN)
Oliver Gutsche
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in CMS Computing Operations During Run1
- Author in Deployment of a WLCG network monitoring infrastructure based on the perfSONAR-PS technology
- Author in Evolution of the pilot infrastructure of CMS: towards a single glideinWMS pool
- Author in Towards a centralized Grid Speedometer
- Co-author in Event processing time prediction at the CMS Experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
Giorgi Gvaberidze
(E. Andronikashvili Inst. of Phys.-Georgian Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A tool for Conditions Tag Management in ATLAS
- Claire Gwenlan (University of Oxford (GB))
- Vardan Gyurjyan (Jefferson Lab)
- Alec Habig (Univ. of Minnesota Duluth)
- Christophe Haen (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
- Richard Hall-Wilton (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Mincheol Han (H)
- Pierrick Hanlet (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Kael Hanson (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Andrew Hanushevsky (SLAC National Accelerator Center)
- Takanori HARA (KEK)
- Marcus Hardt (Kalrsruhe Institute of Technology)
Marcus Hardt
- Co-author in Optimization of data life cycles
Torsten Harenberg
- Co-author in ATLAS Job Transforms: A Data Driven Workflow Engine
- Robert Duane Harrington Jr (University of Edinburgh)
Christian Hartl
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)
- Adil Hasan (University of Liverpool, UK)
- Andreas Haupt (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Thomas Hauth (CERN)
- John Hefferman (CERN)
- Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
- Christopher Heidt (University of California Riverside)
- Seppo Sakari Heikkila (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
Timon Heim
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- Co-author in Compute Farm Software for ATLAS IBL Calibration
- Andreas Heiss (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
Martin Philipp Hellmich
(University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
Akos Hencz
(Tampere University of Technology (FI))
- Co-author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
- Robert Henderson (Lancaster University (GB))
- Valerie Cork Hendrix (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
John Hendry
- Co-author in Solving Small Files Problem in Enstore
- Fabio Hernandez (IN2P3/CNRS and Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS)
Jose Hernandez Calama
(Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
- Author in CMS Multicore Scheduling Strategy
Kenneth Richard Herner
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Author in Data Preservation at the D0 Experiment
- Anthony Hesnaux (CERN)
- Graham Heyes (Jefferson Lab)
- Mike Hildreth (Department of Physics-College of Science-University of Notre Da)
- Mike Hildreth (University of Notre Dame (US))
- Peter Hobson (Brunel University (GB))
- Bruno Heinrich Hoeft (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Claudia Hoehne (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (DE))
- Gabriela Hoff (Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- Dirk Hoffmann (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, CNRS/IN2P3)
- Richard Hogue (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Nils Hoimyr
- Co-author in Collaboration platform @CERN : Self-service for software development tools
- Co-author in Continuous service improvement
Christopher Hollowell
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in Disaster Recovery and Data Center Operational Continuity
- Author in The Effect of FlashCache and Bcache on I/O Performance
- Co-author in Operating dedicated data centers - Is it cost-effective?
- Co-author in SynapSense Wireless Environmental Monitoring System of the RHIC & ATLAS Computing Facility at BNL
- Oliver Holme (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Burt Holzman (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Andre Georg Holzner
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Co-author in 10Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for High Energy Physics
- Co-author in Automating the CMS DAQ
- Co-author in Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS
- Co-author in The new CMS DAQ system for LHC operation after 2014 (DAQ2)
- Andre Georg Holzner
- Julien Houles (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseilles / CNRS)
John Hover
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Author in AutoPyFactory and the Cloud: Flexible, scalable, and automatic management of virtual resources for ATLAS
- Author in Disaster Recovery and Data Center Operational Continuity
- Author in OASIS: a data and software distribution service for Open Science Grid
- Co-author in Next Generation PanDA Pilot for ATLAS and Other Experiments
- Julius Hrivnac (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Ivana Hrivnacova (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Jhen-Wei Huang (ASGC)
- Joanna Huang (University of Melbourne)
- Stefan Huber (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
Dirk Hufnagel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in Opportunistic Resource Usage in CMS
Jing Huo
- Co-author in BESIII physical analysis on hadoop platform
- Michal Husejko (CERN)
Andrea Ieri
- Co-author in Streamlining CASTOR to manage the LHC data torrent
- Iurii Ilchenko (University of Texas (US))
- Robert Illingworth (Fermilab)
- V. Ilyin (National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
Sebastien Laurent Incerti
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Vincenzo Innocente (CERN)
Eiji Inoue
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
- Co-author in Control functionality of DAQ-Middleware
- Costin Ionita (CERN)
- Rogerio Iope (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
- David Ireland (University of GLasgow)
- Alessandro Italiano Italiano (INFN-CNAF)
- Hironori Ito (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Marian Ivanov (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Anton Ivantchenko
(Geant 4 Associates International Experts in Radiation Simulatio)
- Co-author in Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade
- Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN)
- Jan Iven (CERN)
Yoshihito Iwasaki
- Co-author in K-long and muon trigger in the Belle II experiment
- S. Craig Jackson (University of Indiana / CACR)
Richard Jacobsson
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
Anna Jadlovská
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
Slávka Jadlovská
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
Ján Jadlovský
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
Štefan Jajčišin
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
- Malgorzata Anna Janik (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
- Lukasz Janyst (CERN)
- Sverre Jarp (CERN)
- Vladimir Jary (Czech Technical University (CZ))
Prometeusz Jasinski
(University Mainz)
- Co-author in A Common Partial Wave Anaylsis Framework for PANDA
- Co-author in Offline software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
- Edd Jastrzemski (Jefferson Lab)
Bodhitha Jayatilaka
- Author in Data Preservation at the CDF Experiment
- Stephane Jezequel (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Manoj Jha (Purdue University (US))
Michael Johnson
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
- Co-author in Data Processing for the Dark Energy Survey
- Tony Johnson (SLAC)
- Stephen Jones (Liverpool University)
Ben Jones
- Author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
- Christopher Jones (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Bob Jones (CERN)
- Beat Jost (CERN)
- Franck Jouberjean (CERN)
- Dragoslav Jovanovic (University of Belgrade (RS))
- Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Christopher Jung (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Gunjan Kabra (Mody Institute of Technology and Science (IN))
- Ivan Kadochnikov (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
- Kate Kahle (CERN)
- Urpo Kaila (CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.)
- Sebastian Kalcher (FIAS - Institute for Computer Science-Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Uni)
- Sami Kama (Southern Methodist University (US))
- Michal Kamil Simon (CERN)
- Kalliopi Kanaki (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Saroj Kandasamy (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Christos Kanellopoulos (GRNET)
- Radoslaw Karabowicz (GSI)
- Yordan Ivanov Karadzhov (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Mizuki Karasawa (BNL)
- Edward Karavakis (CERN)
- Anastasia Karavdina (University Mainz)
- Anton Karneyeu (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
- Dmytro Karpenko (University of Oslo (NO))
Susan Kasahara
(University of Minnesota)
- Co-author in The NOvA Far Detector Data Acquisition System
- Dorian Kcira (California Institute of Technology (US))
- Udo Wolfgang Kebschull (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
Oliver Keeble
- Author in GLUE 2 deployment: Ensuring quality in the EGI/WLCG information system
- Co-author in An HTTP Ecosystem for HEP Data Management
- Co-author in DPM - efficient storage in diverse environments
- Co-author in FTS3 – Robust, simplified and high-performance data movement service for WLCG
- Co-author in Sustainable Software LifecycManagement for Grid Middleware: Moving from central control to the open source paradigms
- Dave Kelsey (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Yves Kemp (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Wesley Ketchum (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Rishabh KHANDELWAL (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology)
- Emmanouil Kiagias (University of Athens (GR))
- Bjarte Kileng (Bergen University College (NO))
- Chan Hyeong Kim (Hanyang Univ., Seoul, Korea)
- Han Sung Kim (Hanyang Univ., Seoul, Korea)
Hyunwoo Kim
- Author in Big Data over a 100G Network at Fermilab
Michael Kirby
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in The Fabric for Frontier Experiments Project at Fermilab
- Co-author in Data Preservation at the D0 Experiment
- Mikhail Kirsanov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
- Ivan Kisel (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Ivan Kisel (GSI, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH)
Carles Kishimoto Bisbe
- Co-author in Network architecture and IPv6 deployment at CERN
- Tivadar Kiss (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
- Thomas Kittelmann (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Thomas Kittelmann (ESS - European Spallation Source (SE))
- Dennis Klein (GSI Darmstadt)
- Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Dennis Klingebiel (RWTH Aachen University)
- Stefan Kluth (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
Andreas Knoepke
- Co-author in dCache Billing data analysis with Hadoop
- Oscar Arthur Koeroo (Nikhef (NL))
- Lukasz Kokoszkiewicz (CERN)
R. Kolchin
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
- Co-author in LHC Grid Computing in Russia- present and future
- Thorsten Kollegger (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
- Georgios Koloventzos (CERN)
- Matthias Komm (RWTH Aachen University)
- Igor Konorov (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
- Dima Konstantinov (IHEP)
Michal Kopčík
(Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice)
- Co-author in External access to ALICE controls conditions data
Bertram Kopf
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Co-author in A Common Partial Wave Anaylsis Framework for PANDA
- Claudio Kopper
- V. Korenkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
Tetsuo Kotoku
(The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Co-author in Control functionality of DAQ-Middleware
- Tomas Kouba (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
Tomas Kouba
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
- Author in Enabling IPv6 at FZU - WLCG Tier2 in Prague
- Co-author in WLCG and IPv6 - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Dmytro Kovalskyi (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))
- Jim Kowalkowski (Fermilab)
- Oscar Kraemer (Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP),)
- Sven Kreiss (New York University (US))
- Moritz Kretz (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
- Matthias Kretz (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
- Peter Kreuzer (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
Daniele Francesco Kruse
- Author in The Repack Challenge
- Co-author in System level traffic shaping in diskservers with heterogeneous protocols
- Co-author in Transactional Aware Tape Infrastructure Monitoring System
- Slava Krutelyov (Texas A & M University (US))
- Katarzyna Kucharczyk (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
- Andreas Kugel (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
- Thomas Kuhr (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Thomas Kuhr (KIT)
- Gena Kukartsev (Brown University (US))
- Igor Kulakov (Uni-Frankfurt, FIAS)
Alexander Kulyavtsev
- Co-author in Solving Small Files Problem in Enstore
Ajay Kumar
(Indian Institute of Technology Indore)
- Author in Simulation of the PANDA Lambda disks
- Valentin Y Kuznetsov (Cornell University (US))
- Richard Kwarciany (Fermilab)
- Vincent Claude Lafage (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Andrew David Lahiff (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Gianluca Lamanna (CERN)
- Massimo Lamanna (CERN)
- Fabian Lambert (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
David Lange
(Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))
- Co-author in CMS geometry through 2020
- Robert Johannes Langenberg (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
- Camilo Lara (University of Heidelberg)
- Dag Larsen (University of Silesia (PL))
- Krista Larson (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Kati Lassila-Perini (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
Mario Lassnig
- Author in The ATLAS Data Management Software Engineering Process
- Author in The DMLite Rucio Plugin: ATLAS data in a filesystem
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM Workload Emulation
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 to Rucio renaming infrastructure
- Co-author in ATLAS Replica Management in Rucio: Replication Rules and Subscriptions
- Co-author in Popularity Prediction Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
- Co-author in Rucio - The next generation of large scale distributed system for ATLAS Data Management
- Wim Lavrijsen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Loic Lavrut (CERN)
- Ignazio Lax (INFN Bologna)
- Paul James Laycock (University of Liverpool (GB))
Y. Lazin
(National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
- Co-author in LHC Grid Computing in Russia- present and future
- Alfio Lazzaro (CRAY Research)
- Semen Lebedev (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (DE))
- Andrey Lebedev (IKF Frankfurt University / LIT JINR)
- Thomas Le Compte (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
- Julien Leduc (CERN)
- Veronique Lefebure (CERN)
Kai Leffhalm
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Author in dCache Billing data analysis with Hadoop
Federica Legger
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Author in Testing as a Service with HammerCloud
- Author in The ATLAS Distributed Analysis System
- Co-author in Grid Site Testing for ATLAS with HammerCloud
- Iosif Legrand (California Institute of Technology (US))
- Sebastian Lehrack (LMU Munich)
xiaofeng lei
- Co-author in BESIII physical analysis on hadoop platform
Heinrich Leithoff
(University Mainz)
- Co-author in Offline software for the PANDA Luminosity Detector
Jean-Yves Le Meur
- Co-author in CDS Multimedia Services and Export
- Georgios Lestaris (CERN)
- Georgios Lestaris (CERN)
- Jessica Leveque (LAPP (Annecy-Le-Vieux))
- Dmytro Levit (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
- Tanya Levshina (FERMILAB)
- Stefanie Lewis
- Weidong Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Qiyan Li (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Antonio Limosani (University of Melbourne (AU))
- Maaike Limper (CERN)
- Tao Lin (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Luis Emiro Linares Garcia (Universidad de los Andes (CO))
- Frank Linde (NIKHEF (NL))
- Jonas Lindemann (Lund University)
- Volker Lindenstruth (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
Thomas Lindner
- Author in T2K-ND280 Computing Model
Dmitry Litvintsev
- Author in dCache: Big Data storage for HEP communities and beyond
- Co-author in Solving Small Files Problem in Enstore
- Tiehui Ted Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Zhenping Liu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Guoming Liu
- Author in A PCIe GEn3 based readout for the LHCb upgrade.
- Author in Time structure analysis of the LHCb Online network
- Co-author in The LHCb Data Acquisition during LHC Run 1
- Si Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Steve Lloyd (University of London (GB))
- Stephen Lloyd (University of Edinburgh)
Daniel Lobato Garcia
(University Carlos III (ES))
- Co-author in Fabric Management (R)Evolution at CERN
- Bogdan Lobodzinski (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
- Francesca Lo Cicero (INFN Roma)
Stefan Lohn
- Author in Systematic profiling to m