Michael Kirby
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
The Tevatron experiments have entered their post-data-taking phases but are still producing physics output at a high rate.
The D0 experiment has initiated efforts to preserve both data access and full analysis capability for the collaboration members through at least 2020. These efforts will provide useful lessons in ensuring long-term data access for numerous experiments throughout high-energy physics, and provide a roadmap for high-quality scientific output for years to come.
D0 is making a number of changes to its computing infrastructure to retain analysis capability and maintain long-term data access. These changes include transitioning to newer versions of data handling tools, virtualizing database servers and batch worker nodes, modifying job submission scripts, migrating to new data storage technology, and developing tools for automated validation of physics software on future OS platforms. We will present a talk describing the benefits of long-term data preservation, the status of changes to the D0 computing infrastructure, the challenges of data preservation efforts, and plans for the next several years within the D0 collaboration at Fermilab.
Kenneth Richard Herner
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Michael Kirby
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)