Adrian Buzatu
(University of Glasgow (GB))
In high-‐energy physics experiments, online selection is crucial to reject most uninteresting collisions and to focus on interesting physical signals.
The b-‐jet selection is part of the trigger strategy of the ATLAS experiment and is meant to select hadronic final states with heavy-‐flavor content. This is important for the selection of physics channels with more than one b-‐jet in the final state, enabling to reject QCD light jets and maintain affordable trigger rates without raising jet energy thresholds. ATLAS introduced b-‐jet triggers in 2011 and deployed more complex and better performing tagging algorithms in 2012. An overview of the b-‐jet trigger menu and its performance on real data is presented in this contribution.
Data-‐driven techniques to extract the online b-‐tagging performance, a key ingredient for all analyses relying on such triggers, are also discussed and results presented.
Carlo Schiavi
(INFN Genova)