14–18 Oct 2013
Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

DCS Data Viewer, a Application that Access ATLAS DCS historical Data

14 Oct 2013, 15:00
Grote zaal (Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage)

Grote zaal

Amsterdam, Beurs van Berlage

Poster presentation Distributed Processing and Data Handling A: Infrastructure, Sites, and Virtualization Poster presentations


Gancho Dimitrov (CERN)


The ATLAS experiment at CERN is one of the four Large Hadron Collider experiments. The DCS Data Viewer (DDV) is an application that provides access to historical data of the ATLAS Detector Control System (DCS) parameters and their corresponding alarm information. It features a server-client architecture: the pythonic server serves as interface to the Oracle-based conditions database and can be operated stand alone using http requests; the client is developed with the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and offers a user friendly browser independent web interface. The client data visualization is done using various output plugins such as java or javascript applets which are integrated using an open JSON interface allowing for easy plugin development. The default output provides charts, histograms or tables with broad filtering and sorting capabilities. Further, export to ROOT files is supported and smartphone compatibility is taken into consideration. A server-based configuration storage facility allows e.g. for sharing of resulting plots or embedding into other web applications invoking the tool with a single configuration URL. Web security constraints along with database dedicated protection mechanisms permit a successful exposure of the tool to hundreds of collaborators worldwide.



Presentation materials