8–10 Apr 2013
University of Liverpool
Europe/London timezone

Delta ACP from Semileptonic Charmed Baryon Decays at LHCb

9 Apr 2013, 13:30
Central Teaching Hub (University of Liverpool)

Central Teaching Hub

University of Liverpool

Parallel Track 3 Track 3


Alex Pearce (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))


An analysis to measure delta ACP in Lambda_c baryons originating from semileptonic Lambda_b decays using 2011 LHCb data is presented. The CP violation measurement delta ACP in this system is defined as delta ACP = ACP(Lambda_c -> pK+K-) - ACP(Lambda_c -> ppi+pi-). All production and detection asymmetries cancel to first order, the remaining contribution being direct CP violation. The interest in charm sector CP violation originates from the recent LHCb results in D0 meson decays, which showed a 3.5 sigma deviation from the standard model prediction. The branching fractions of the pK+K- and ppi+pi- modes, relative to the pK-pi+ mode, are measured as a cross check of the selection. A multivariate analysis, along with tight particle identification requirements, is used to select the signal candidates. The salient features of the analysis are presented, along with a discussion on the systematic errors involved.


Alex Pearce (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB)) Patrick Spradlin (University of Glasgow (GB)) Sajan Easo (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))

Presentation materials