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8–10 Apr 2013
University of Liverpool
Europe/London timezone

chi_c and chi_b studies at ATLAS

9 Apr 2013, 13:30
Central Teaching Hub (University of Liverpool)

Central Teaching Hub

University of Liverpool

Parallel Track 4 Track 4


Andrew Stephen Chisholm (University of Birmingham (GB))


Many years on from the discovery of the J/psi, our theoretical understanding of quarkonium production at hadron experiments is still far from satisfactory. The large data samples gathered at the LHC during 2010-2012, in conjunction with recent advances in theory, represent a fantastic opportunity for the LHC experiments to contribute to the improvement of this situation. The P-wave quarkonium states, including the chi_c and chi_b, play a significant role in the overall picture of quarkonium production at the LHC. I will present studies of the chi_c and chi_b states at ATLAS and discuss how these results can contribute to our wider understanding of quarkonium production at the LHC.

Primary author

Andrew Stephen Chisholm (University of Birmingham (GB))

Presentation materials