Chiara Debenedetti
(The University of Edinburgh)
We present the latest published results on the search for a
Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a W or a Z boson
and decaying to bb with the ATLAS experiment.
No significant excess is
observed in the data collected : 4.7fb-1 at sqrt(s)=7TeV and 13fb-1 in
The fit procedure will be detailed, with particular emphasis on the validation method employed.
As a proof of validity, WZ and ZZ production have been studied and result in a 4sigma observation at a rate compatible with the SM prediction.
A Standard Model Higgs boson with mH=110GeV is excluded and the observed (expected) 95% C.L. limit on the cross section times branching ratio at mH=125GeV is evaluated at 1.8 (1.9) times the SM prediction.
Chiara Debenedetti
(The University of Edinburgh)