8–10 Apr 2013
University of Liverpool
Europe/London timezone

Development of the tracking detector for SuperNEMO and analysis of double-beta decay in 48Ca using NEMO3 data.

10 Apr 2013, 08:57
Central Teaching Hub (University of Liverpool)

Central Teaching Hub

University of Liverpool

Parallel Track 4 Track 4


Cristovao Vilela (University College London)


SuperNEMO is a low background experiment with the aim of observing neutrinoless double beta decay, an extremely rare nuclear decay which is the only known method for determining whether neutrinos are Majorana or Dirac particles. The detector comprises tracker and calorimeter submodules, the former currently being built in the UK. This talk will focus on the effort towards the development of the low background tracker, in particular its gas mixing system and the very stringent requirements on the emanation of 222Rn into the tracking volume. A study of the ageing of the tracking chamber will also be presented. Finally, a preliminary analysis of the double-beta decay of 48Ca will be shown.

Primary author

Cristovao Vilela (University College London)

Presentation materials