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SciencePAD Persistent Identifiers Workshop (SPID2013)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)
SciencePAD (formerly known as ScienceSoft) is an EMI (European Middleware Initiative) activity investigating the feasibility of establishing an open source community dedicated to software and services for scientific research and contribute to the establishment of global knowledge networks in science.
The SciencePAD Persistent Identifiers Workshop brings together leading experts in the field of identification of digital objects like persons, software, data and publications, and those leveraging these in their domains.
This workshop looks at the current landscape of persistent identifiers, trends and issues with current implementations and policies. This event will feature presentations from Black Duck/, ORCID, OpenAIREPlus, PaNData, the UK SSI and other experts. A discussion will take place on how to integrate software information in digital knowledge networks and what is required to make it happen.
  • Alberto Aimar
  • Alberto Di Meglio
  • Alistair Mills
  • Andrea Manzi
  • Andres Abad Rodriguez
  • Andrew Jones
  • Andrew Purcell
  • Beatrice Bressan
  • Bill Weinberg
  • Christopher Brown
  • Dmitry Spodarets
  • Doina Cristina Aiftimiei
  • Dominique PORTE
  • Enrico Maria Vincenzo Fasanelli
  • Florida Estrella
  • Frank Löffler
  • Gabrielle Allen
  • Heinz J Weyer
  • Jamie Hall
  • Janna Neumann
  • Jean-François Perrin
  • Jens Vigen
  • Julien Savoyet
  • Laura Rueda Garcia
  • Laurence Field
  • Levshina Tanya
  • Markus Schulz
  • Matthias Hofmann
  • Natalia Manola
  • Neil Chue Hong
  • Nicola Bessone
  • Oliver Keeble
  • Paul Millar
  • Rudolf Dimper
  • Samuele Carli
  • Stefan Just
  • Tim Smith
  • Zdenek Sustr
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      SciencePAD, Open Software for Open Science
      SciencePAD (Platforms, Applications, Data) is an initiative to investigate how to collect, store and preserve information about software used in scientific research and how to link the information with the contexts in which software is used, that is publications, data analysis, authors and users, organizations, fundings, etc. In order to formalize and manage the relationships a clear and widely used definition of persistent identifiers for all categories of objects is required. This presentation will describe the SciencePAD initiative main goals and plans and how we plan to use and contribute to the definition of PIDs Alberto Di Meglio is a Project Manager at CERN. He is the Director of the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) project and the coordinator the SciencePAD initiative within EMI. He has worked on several software engineering projects at CERN and previously at the University of Birmingham and has founded and run a software development start-up for three years between 2001 and 2003.
      Speaker: Dr Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)
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      Speaker: Martin Fenner (ORCID)
    • 10:45
      Coffee break
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      Speaker: Mrs Natalia Manola (NKUA)
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      PaNData software catalogue for the photon and neutron community
      PaNdata software is a database of software used mainly for data analysis of neutron and photon experiments. PaNdata Software is one element of a larger project, PaNdata, which aims to provide a complete, shared data infrastructure for neutron and photon laboratories. More than one hundred pieces of software are commonly used in this community for analysing experimental data produced by the research infrastructure. This project is an effort for classifying software and helping users to find the right piece of software for their research. It also tries to encourage developers to become more active in the community through the means of best practises and tools provided by the portal. Jamie Hall: Jamie is a software developer in the Technical Projects group at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, Grenoble). He is currently the project leader and lead developer of the PaNdata Software Catalogue and also the person in charge of the technical integration of ICAT and TopCAT at ILL
      Speaker: Mr Jamie Hall (ILL)
    • 12:00
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      Speaker: Dr Björn Brembs (Universität Regensburg)
    • 7
      Referencing software to make it sustainable: what, why and how?
      The UK Software Sustainability Institute is a national facility for cultivating world-class research through software. As part of its aims, the Institute wants researchers who use scientific software to be confident that the software they use today will be available - and continue to be improved and supported - in the future. In addition, we strongly believe that reproducible research is a key tenet of doing science properly in the digital age. This presentation will describe the work that the Institute is doing in the area of identifiers to promote software sustainability and reproducible research. In particular, it will describe the work being done on the JISC-funded SoftwareHub project, as well as the Journal of Open Research Software. It will also provide other examples from third-parties in the same space. Neil Chue Hong is the Director of the Software Sustainability Institute. He is responsible for representing the Institute and the interests of UK researchers at a national and international level. Recently this has included advising the US Software Institutes for Sustained Innovation programme in the USA and co-authoring the recent e-IRG policy paper on Scientific Software.
      Speaker: Mr Neil Chue Hong (SSI)
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      Black Duck and
      This presentation will provide a brief introduction to Black Duck, Olliance Consulting, and, and highlight the roles of those organizations and their value to the SciencePAD initiative. A core element of the presentation will demonstrate the evolution of core open source technologies and communities, illustrated using live data maintained on Olho. We’ll show how technologies like cloud computing, big data and analytics and the database ecosystems are evolving. • Black Duck is the partner of choice for OSS adoption, governance and management to enterprises of every size, helping companies harness the power of open source technologies and methods for faster innovation, greater creativity and improved efficiency. • • Olliance Consulting, a division of Black Duck, helps organizations devise open source strategies to drive business and technology objectives, evaluating the maturity of open source software governance practices, developing management policy and processes, and automating these processes. • •, a Black Duck web property, is a free, public directory of Free and Open Source Software and the contributors who create and maintain it.
      Speaker: Mr Bill Weinberg (Black Duck)
    • 14:30
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      Conclusions and next steps