April 22, 2013
StarHotels Metropole Roma
Europe/Rome timezone
The EMI (European Middleware Initiative) project is a collaboration among four of the major European providers of middleware for grid and distributed computing and data networks - ARC, dCache, gLite and UNICORE. The project will end in April 2013.

To facilitate the development, deployment and maintenance of middleware solutions beyond the current funding, the EMI project is proposing an initiative for a long-term, open, lightweight coordination of distributed middleware technologies - the Middleware Development and Innovation Alliance (MeDIA).

This workshop summarizes three years of work and achievements of the EMI project and kick-starts the activity of the MEDIA initiative. It includes a description of the motivations and the proposed mandate, scope and activities. A public discussions on how to implement the activities and on the most immediate tasks to be performed will conclude the workshop.

The expected participation is from team leaders and members of middleware development teams, user communities technical experts, infrastructure providers, application developers interested to hear about future coordination plans of mw providers and provide feedback and requirements to the initiative.

A draft proposal describing the MeDIA initiative, its motivations, scope and goals has been prepared and is available here. We welcome feedback and comment before this event as useful input to the discussion.
StarHotels Metropole Roma
Via Principe Amedeo 3, 00185 Rome
Registration is closed.