Session 1: overview, simulation & manufacturing, radiation damage
- Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (INFN and University of Trento)
- Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
Manfred Krammer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
02/09/2013, 09:20
Applications in High Energy Physics
On May 30, 2013 CERN Council approved the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. This was the final step of a process involving the whole European particle physics community as well as many colleagues from outside Europe. The presentation gives an overview of the numerous facilities and projects proposed to the strategy group before explaining the decisions and the rational...
Marko Dragicevic
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
02/09/2013, 09:50
Simulations and Manufacturing
Most modern particle physics experiments use silicon based sensors for their tracking systems. These sensors are able to detect particles generated in high energy collisions with high spatial resolution and therefore allow the precise reconstruction of particle tracks. So far only a few vendors were capable of producing silicon strip sensors with the quality needed in particle physics...
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP, UC santa Cruz)
02/09/2013, 10:10
Simulations and Manufacturing
We propose to develop a fast, thin silicon sensor with gain capable to concurrently measure with high precision the space (~10 μm) and time (~10 ps) coordinates of a particle.
In collaboration with groups within RD50, we have measured charge multiplication with a gain of about 10, allowing to thin pixelated silicon sensors by at least a factor 10 by keeping the performance of thick...
Giulio Pellegrini
(Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC))
02/09/2013, 10:30
Simulations and Manufacturing
This work introduce a new concept of silicon radiation detector with intrinsic multiplication of the charge called Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD). These new detectors are based on the standard Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) normally used for optical and X-ray detection applications. The main difference to standard APD detectors is the low gain requested to detect high energy charged...
Zheng Li
02/09/2013, 11:30
Simulations and Manufacturing
A novel on-chip, customer-design spiral biasing adaptor (SBA) has been developed at BNL. The SBA can be used for biasing a Si drift detector (SDD) and SDD array. The SBA concept has the following novel characteristics and advantages: 1) it is customer-design for any desired geometry of SDD single cell with minimum current and minimum drift time of carriers; 2) it has the spiral shaped ion-...
Alyssa Montalbano
(State University of New York (US))
02/09/2013, 11:50
Simulations and Manufacturing
With the need for very radiation hard semiconductor devices for the High Luminosity upgrade at the Large Hadron Collider, new types of silicon pixel detectors have been proposed. Since 3D Si pixel detectors have been shown to be more radiation hard than the planar ones, scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have chosen to design a novel type of 3D Si pixel detectors. Systematic full 3D...
Martin Printz
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
02/09/2013, 12:10
Radiation damage, Environmental radiation monitoring
The upgrade of the LHC machine to deliver a significantly higher luminosity of about 5 x 10^34 cm^(-2)s^(-1) is planned to be operational after 2020. This will significantly increase the radiation dose of the inner detector systems, requiring new radiation hard sensor materials for the CMS Tracker. To identify the appropriate materials which are able to withstand the radiation environment in...