16–21 Sept 2013
Natal, Brazil
Brazil/East timezone
Registration open

Transverse Enhancement and Meson Exchange Current Contributions to Quasielastic Neutrino Scattering on Nuclear Targets

19 Sept 2013, 11:22
Sala Praia Bela A (Hotel Pestana)

Sala Praia Bela A

Hotel Pestana

talk Working Group 2 Working Group 2


Prof. Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))


We use quasielastic electron scattering data on nuclear target to update our parametrization of the enhancement to the transverse response functions in nuclear targets. This enhancement has been attributed to meson exchange currents in nuclei. We parametrize both the overall magnitude of the enhancement and the contribution to the width of the quasielastic peak. The model is in good agreement with recent measurements of MiniBooNE and MINERvA

Primary author

Prof. Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))


Prof. Eric Christy (Hapton University) Dr Howard Budd (University of Rochester) Mr Thir Sharma (Hampton University)

Presentation materials