Sep 18 – 21, 2013
Yerevan, Armenia
Europe/Moscow timezone
This conference is the second in a series whose aim is to bring together people working in astrophysics of compacts stars, physics of dense matter, gravitation and cosmology, observations of pulsars and binary neutron stars and related fields. As the first conference in 2008, it will take place in Yerevan, Armenia from 18-21 September 2013. Among the social events, there will be a co-memoration of 100th birthday of the founder of the Theoretical Physics Chair at the Department of Physics of Yerevan State University and prominent armenian scientist Academician Gurgen Serobi Sahakyan.
Yerevan, Armenia
Guesthouse of Yerevan State University, Mashtots ave. 52


International advisory board:  
M. Alford (St. Louis), E.R. Bezerra de Mello (Paraiba), G. S. Bisnovaty-Kogan (Moscow), F. Burgio (Catania)K. Kokkotas (Tübingen), D. Lai (Cornell), B. Link (Montana), J. Margueron (Orsay), C. Pethick (Copenhagen), M. Oertel (Meudon), L. Rezzolla (Potsdam), D. Rischke (Frankfurt Main), M. Sargsian (Miami), F. Weber (San Diego), D. N. Yakovlev (St. Petersburg).

Organizing committee:
R. Avagyan, E. Chubaryan, A. Saharian, A. Sedrakian, A. Yeranyan, N. Ayvazyan (secretary), G. Colucci (web administrator)  

Sponsors:  Volkswagen Foundation,  HIC for FAIR, Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia





01.11.2012 Registration open
04.06.2013 This conference will be followed by an International Workshop
"Quantum Aspects of Black Holes and its Recent Progress" 
26.07.2013 The funding through Volkswagen Foundation is granted