16–21 Sept 2013
Natal, Brazil
Brazil/East timezone
Registration open

The ANDES project and its impact on neutrino physics

19 Sept 2013, 12:00
Sala Praia Bela B (Hotel Pestana)

Sala Praia Bela B

Hotel Pestana

talk Working Group 4 Working Group 4


osvaldo civitarese (U)


The ANDES project aims at the construction of an underground laboratory in the Agua Negra tunnel between Argentina and Chile. The laboratory will consists of a series of halls, each of them able to accommodate state of the art experimental arrays dedicated to dark matter, double beta decay and neutrino oscillation measurements, as well as to other devices oriented to geological and biological searches. The place will enjoy the shielding of 4500 to 4800 mwe. In the first part of the talk I will address some technical issues related to the design of ANDES and about the CLES, which is the academic and administrative organization which will run the lab. Then, as an example of the physics of ANDES, I shall talk on the neutrino mass problem and relate it with recent experimental and theoretical results.

Primary authors

Hiroshi Nunokawa (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro) osvaldo civitarese (U)

Presentation materials