Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

8–14 Sept 2013
Hotel Louxo - Illa da Toxa - Galicia (Spain)
Europe/Zurich timezone

A state of the art lattice-QCD + Hadron-Resonance Gas Equation of State

13 Sept 2013, 16:10
Hotel Louxo - Illa da Toxa - Galicia (Spain)

Hotel Louxo - Illa da Toxa - Galicia (Spain)


Andrea Beraudo (Universita e INFN (IT))


We present a state of the art QCD Equation Of State (EOS) in the limit of vanishing baryon density. Continuum-extrapolated lattice-QCD data with realistic quark masses by the Budapest-Wuppertal collaboration are employed in the high-temperature regime and are joined to a Hadron-Resonance Gas (HRG) EOS at lower temperatures. Since experimental data from heavy-ion collisions suggest that particle ratios are frozen before kinetic freeze-out, with two different temperatures describing the particle yields and the slope of pT-spectra, we offer the user the possibility of employing both a Chemical Equilibrium EOS and a more realistic Partial Chemical Equilibrium one, with resonant reactions allowed in the hadronic phase but with particle ratios fixed at the chemical freeze-out temperature. Parametrizations of the various thermodynamic quantities are offered to the user so that the whole setup can be easily implemented into existing hydrodynamic codes. A snapshot of preliminary results at non-vanishing baryon density will be possibly displayed.

Primary authors

Andrea Beraudo (Universita e INFN (IT)) Claudia Ratti (Wuppertal University) Dr Marcus Bluhm (SUBATECH Nantes) Mr Paolo Alba (Università di Torino)


Prof. Wanda Maria Alberico (Università di Torino)

Presentation materials