Tomoyuki Naito
(Iwate University)
MgB2 superconductors have mainly been studied for the practical application of tapes and thin films owing to its high Tc of about 39 K and a high upper critical field among metallic superconductors. We have studied that the trapped field properties of MgB2 bulk samples fabricated by the capsule and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) methods and succeeded in producing the 2-3 T class bulk magnet. Recently, a trapped field of 5.4 T was reported for the hot-pressed MgB2 bulk using the mechanical alloyed precursor powder [1].
In this paper, to obtain the higher trapped field we studied the doping effect of Ti on the trapped field in MgB2 bulk samples fabricated by the HIP method. The Mg(1-x)TixB2 bulk samples were magnetized by the field cooling magnetization (FCM) in a magnetic field of 10 T using a 10 T cryogen-free superconducting magnet. The highest trapped field at the top surface of the single bulk (x=0.1) was 3.6 T and that at the center between the doubly stacked bulks (x=0.05 and 0.1) was 4.6 T. We discuss precisely the effect of Ti on the enhancement of the vortex pinning from the analysis of the micro structure.
[1] G. Fuchs et al, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 (2013) 122002.
Tomoyuki Naito
(Iwate University)
Hiroyuki Fujishiro
(Iwate University)
Takafumi Yoshida
(Iwate University)