7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Finite element analysis and optimization of a flexure bearing for a linear motor compressor

10 Jul 2014, 10:30
2h 15m
Poster presentation (105min) Thu-Mo-Posters Session 3.1


Prof. Maruti Khot (Mechanical Engineering Department, Walchand College of Engineering Sangli)


Nowadays linear compressors are commonly used in miniature cryocoolers instead of rotary compressors because rotary compressors apply large radial forces to piston, which provide no useful work, cause large amount of wear and usually require lubrication. Recent trends however favour flexure supported configuration for long life. The present work aims at design and geometrical optimization of flexure bearing using finite element analysis and the development of design charts for selection of flexure bearing. The work also covers the manufacturing of flexures using different materials and validation of finite element analysis results experimentally. Keywords: cryocooler, linear compressor, flexure bearing, FE analysis, strain and stress measurement


Prof. Maruti Khot (Mechanical Engineering Department, Walchand College of Engineering Sangli)


Dr Bajirao Gawali (Mechanical Engineering Department, Walchand college of Engineering Sangli)

Presentation materials