Bikash Sinha
(Department of Atomic Energy)
09/09/2013, 12:00
It is now conventional wisdom that collisions between two nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies precipitate to a new state of matter, usually referred to as Quark Gluon Plasma. What have we learned from experiments carried out at RHIC and LHC, for the thermometric signals in particular? What insight can we have for the very early universe, microsecond after the Big Bang, do we have any...
David Evans
(University of Birmingham (GB))
09/09/2013, 12:30
At extreme energy densities, hadronic matter undergoes a phase transition into a deconfined system of quarks and gluons, known as a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Such a state of matter may be formed by colliding ultra-relativistic heavy-ions together, which reproduce the high temperatures and densities thought to have existed about ten microseconds after the Big Bang. Lead ions have been...
Sourendu Gupta
(Tata Institue of Fundamental Research)
09/09/2013, 13:00
The most recent results from lattice computations on the location of and phenomena at the QCD critical point are presented
Sunanda Banerjee
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
09/09/2013, 14:30
On July 4, 2012, the CMS experiment at the LHC, along with ATLAS,
announced the observation of a new particle which is like the Higgs boson
as predicted within the Standard Model of High Energy Physics. Since that
time, more data have been accumulated and the signal is more firmly
established. Some of the properties of production and decay of this new
state have been studied. We plan...
Paul Thompson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
09/09/2013, 15:00
The talk will present an overview of results from the ATLAS
collaboration on searches for the Higgs Boson. The focus will be
on the latest status and results from ATLAS presented at the 2013
European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics,
Stockholm, Sweden, July 2013.
Monoranjan Guchait
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR))
09/09/2013, 15:30
The recent excitements in High energy physics is the discovery of Higgs like
particle by CMS and ATLAS detectors at the LHC experiment. This discovery
came almost 50 years later since it is proposed. Now the most urgent need
is to establish that it is indeed the standard model Higgs by measuring
its properties e.g couplings, spin etc. In addition, the discovery of
this scalar particle...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham (GB))
09/09/2013, 16:30
Owing to the large beauty production cross-section at the LHC and to the unique characteristics of the LHCb
detector and trigger, unprecedented samples of beauty decays are becoming available. The angle γ
of the CKM unitarity triangle remains the least precisely measured parameter of the CKM mixing matrix. The precision measurement of this parameter is one of the main goals of the LHCb...
Sanjay Kumar Swain
(NISER, Bhubhaneshwar)
09/09/2013, 17:00
CP violation phenomena in B-meson decays has been very well described in Standard Model Quark-W interaction. In late 1990's two B-factory experiments, Belle at KEK, Japan, and BABAR at SLAC, USA were built to look into the CP violation in B-mesons. Both the machines are electron and positron colliders running at Upsilon(4S) resonance. In this talk I will describe how CP violation fits into...
Evgueni Gudzovskiy
(University of Birmingham)
09/09/2013, 17:30
A overview of the recent kaon experiments at CERN is presented. The
status and the physics programme of the NA62 experiment starting in 2014
and aiming at measurements of the ultra-rare decays and searches for
forbidden decays of the charged kaon are discussed.
Vineet Kumar
(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (IN))
09/09/2013, 18:00
The three Y states (1S, 2S, 3S) were measured separately using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experimental apparatus via their dimuon decays in pp and pPb collisions, in the rapidity range |y|<1.9 in the centre-of-mass of the collision. The datasets used in the analysis correspond to recorded integrated luminosities of about 31/nb (pPb) and 5.1/pb (pp), collected in 2013 by the CMS experiment...
Dinesh Srivastava
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata)
10/09/2013, 09:30
We discuss the continuing refinements in using using photons, jets, and heavy quarks as
probes of relativistic heavy ion collisions and quark gluon plasma. We discuss a simple model
which provides an quantitative explanation of jet quenching and helps us obtain the flavour
dependence of energy loss of partons in quark gluon plasma.
Asis Chaudhuri
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
10/09/2013, 10:00
Viscous hydrodynamical modeling of relativistic heavy ion collisions has been highly successful in explaining bulk of the experimental data in RHIC and LHC energy collisions. We briefly review viscous hydrodynamics modeling of high energy nuclear collisions. Basic ingredients of the modeling, the hydrodynamic equations, relaxation equations for dissipative forces initial conditions,...
Lokesh Kumar
(NISER, Bubhaneshwar)
10/09/2013, 10:30
Relativistic heavy-ion collider (RHIC) is a dedicated facility to collide heavy-ions at relativistic speed. Within first few years of its running, RHIC discovered the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a hot and dense matter. After confirming the existence of QGP, experiments at RHIC now concentrate on studying the properties
of QGP and understanding the phase structure of QCD. In this talk, I...
Michael Weber
(University of Houston (US))
10/09/2013, 11:30
The recently accepted Letter of Intent for the upgrade of the ALICE experiment sets the stage for the physics program once the original goal of 1/nb of Pb-Pb of the currently approved program have been achieved. This talk will focus on some of the current highlights of elementary pp, pPb, and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC and demonstrate, how the upgrade will lead into a new era of...
Alan Watson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
10/09/2013, 12:30
The LHC already operates at unprecedented energies and luminosities. The approved Run 2 (2015-2017, 10^34 cm-2s-1) and Run 3 (2019-2021, 2 x 10^34 cm-2s-1) phases, and the planned HL-LHC (2024-, up to 5 x 10^34 cm-2s-1) will bring unprecedented challenges for detector and trigger systems, which must be met is the physics goals of the programme are to be achieved. ATLAS has a programme of...
Prithwish Tribedy
(VECC, Koklkata)
10/09/2013, 13:00
Deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments at HERA demonstrated a rapid growth of gluon density inside a proton at small momentum fraction ( x). In the framework of parton model this growth is interpreted in terms of linear gluon bremsstrahlung and predicted to saturate due non-linear processes such as gluon recombination or screening. Due to these two competing processes hadron becomes...
Paul Newman
(Birmingham University)
10/09/2013, 14:30
A Deep Inelastic Scattering facility based on a new electron beam in collisions with protons and heavy ions from the Large Hadron collider could teach us much more about the structure of nuclear matter at the
smallest resolvable scales, as well as adding to our understanding of the Higgs boson and the Quark Gluon Plasma and contributing to searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. This...
Atul Gurtu
(King Abdulaziz University (SA))
10/09/2013, 15:00
The idea of constructing the next e+e- collider has been under study for almost 2 decades. A world-wide R&D effort has led to the conclusion that physics interests would best be served by a 0.5 - 1 TeV machine accompanied by precision detectors. Dubbed the International Linear Collider (ILC) it would be a cryogenic machine, whose technology has now been established. Two detector concepts named...
Volker Friese
(GSI Darmstadt)
10/09/2013, 15:30
The properties of strongly interacting matter at high net-baryon densities are a largely unknown territory, both theoretically and experimentally. The CBM experiment at the accelerator facility FAIR, presently under construction in Darmstadt, Germany, will explore this part of the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion collisions from 2A to 45A GeV beam energy. Its focus is the characterization of...
Sudhir Vempati
(Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
10/09/2013, 16:00
We summarise the status of supersymmetric models in the light of results from LHC, especially the higgs mass and the direct limits. In addition we will discuss the constraints on various flavour decays which put severe constraints on Supersymmetric models. Finally we will comment on various supersymmetry breaking models and new models of supersymmetry breaking.
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla
(Intitute Of Physics , Bhubhaneshwar)
10/09/2013, 17:00
The discovery of neutrino mixing and oscillations over the past decade provides firm evidence for new physics beyond the Standard Model, needed to explain non-zero neutrino masses and mixing in the leptonic sector. In this talk, first I will give a brief description of the recent measurements in neutrino sector with a special emphasis on the discovery of moderately large value of 1-3 mixing...
Yogendra Viyogi
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
10/09/2013, 17:30
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) project is one of the biggest basic science projects initiated by large number of collaborating groups within India and supported by the Government of India. The project aims to construct a cavern complex deep under the mountains with rock cover around 3500 Mwe, accessed by a 2 km long tunnel. The magnetized Iron Calorimeter , consisting of 50 kTons of...
David Evans
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 09:30
The 27km Large Hadron Collider (LHC), situated 150 metres under the Swiss-French boarder at CERN near Geneva, is the World's most powerful particle accelerator.
In March 2010, protons (hydrogen nuclei) were smashed together at 0.999999991 times the speed of light recreating, for a tiny instant, the violent particle collisions which would have existed less than a billionth of a second after...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 10:05
Dr Cristina Lazzeroni will summarise the extensive public engagement
programme done by the particle group at the University of Birmingham,
focusing on how the usage of particle detectors can inspire the
insterest of students and teachers to particle physics research
Roman Lietava
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 11:40
The ALICE Central Trigger Processor (CTP) is designed to select events with different features at rates which can be scaled down to satisfy physics requirements and restrictions imposed by the bandwidth of Data Acquisition system. The challenge of the ALICE trigger is to make optimum use of the component detectors which are busy for widely different periods following the valid trigger,...
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 12:15
The LHCb experiment is a spectrometer dedicated to the study of heavy flavor at the LHC. The rate of proton-proton collisions at the LHC is 15 MHz, of which only 5 kHz can be written to storage for offline analysis. For this reason the LHCb data acquisition system -- trigger -- plays a key role in selecting signal events and rejecting background. In contrast to previous experiments at hadron...
Benedict Allbrooke
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 12:50
The ATLAS Experiment is a general purpose detector aimed at studying a wide range of processes and final states. To this end the ATLAS Detector and trigger must be able to detect and record a very large variety of objects and topologies. In particular events containing final state electrons, muons, photons and jets are used in analyses making precision Standard Model meausurements as well as...
Richard David Mudd
(University of Birmingham (GB))
11/09/2013, 14:30
During the first running period of the LHC, the ATLAS trigger system has been used to select events from proton-proton collisions at centre of mass energies of up to 8 TeV and is designed to reduce the event rate from 40 MHz, the LHC design frequency, to around 400 Hz. The system employs a three-level configuration, where the first level is hardware-based and subsequent levels are...
Anik Gupta
(University of Jammu (IN))
11/09/2013, 15:10
The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) experiment is designed for a dedicated study of heavy ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, at energies up to 1150 TeV(2.75TeV/u). ALICE is composed of 18 detection systems based on different technologies including semiconductor, gas, scintillation, cherenkov detectors. To ensure a safe and correct operation and...
Kavita Lalwani
(University of Delhi)
11/09/2013, 15:40
The present CMS-HCAL (Hadron Calorimeter) will require an upgrade of the instrumentation electronics to meet the expected performance of high luminosity upgrade of the LHC. The ongoing research has established the μTCA (Micro Telecommunication and Computing Architecture) as a potential candidate to replace the existing VME for the backend electronics upgrade which will provide more accessible...
Jeffery Landgraf
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
11/09/2013, 16:40
The Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR) detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has been in operation since the year 2000. The capabilities of the Trigger and DAQ systems have undergone constant upgrades to improve the performance, capabilities and stability during the 13 years since the beginning of operations. The performance has been increased...
Volker Friese
(GSI Darmstadt)
11/09/2013, 17:20
The CBM experiment is being designed to measure heavy-ion collisions at very high interacton rates. The interesting signals are extremely rare and their signatures are complex. These conditions call for a novel DAQ and trigger concept which is not limited by latency but by throughput. In particular, there will be no hardware trigger; online data reduction will be performed in software on a...
Thorsten Kollegger
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
12/09/2013, 09:30
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a heavy-ion detector studying the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
After the second long shutdown of the LHC, the ALICE apparatus will be upgraded in order to make high precision measurements of rare probes at low pT, which cannot be selected with a trigger, and therefore...
Andrew Daniells
(University of Birmingham (GB))
12/09/2013, 10:15
After the successful operation of the ATLAS trigger and data-acquisition systems during Run 1 at the LHC, essential upgrades are required to prepare for future luminosity conditions, expected to exceed 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1 by 2019. An important part of the programme is the upgrade of the Level-1 hardware-based trigger, which is a fixed latency pipelined system processing signals from the...
Marian Krivda
(University of Birmingham (GB))
12/09/2013, 11:30
After three years of successful operation of Alice Central Trigger Processor (CTP) system for proton-proton, Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions, the Alice CTP is going to be upgraded with a new fist level trigger (L0) board in order to improve the performance of the Alice trigger system. The new first level trigger (L0) trigger board will include several new features: an additional trigger level "LM",...
Karim Massri
(University of Birmingham (GB))
12/09/2013, 12:15
The NA62 Experiment aims to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare kaon decay $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ with 10\% precision, collecting $\sim 100$ events in 2 years of data taking, starting in 2014. Assuming the value of the branching ratio as predicted by the SM ($BR(K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}) = (8.5\pm 0.7) \times 10^{-11}$), to collect enough statistics a...
Paul Newman
(Birmingham University)
13/09/2013, 09:30
Since the beginnings of civilisation, mankind has sought to decipher the basic building blocks of matter and the forces that bind them together. This lecture will explain how the modern view of elementary particle
physics has been reached and how it is currently being revolutionised by the work going on at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
Orlando Villalobos Baillie
(University of Birmingham (GB))
13/09/2013, 10:30
In this lecture reasons for having a trigger in a high-energy physics experimentwill be discussed . The idea of dead time is introduced and its effect explained. The importance of buffering in derandomizing events is explained. Simple examples from fixed target and collider experiments are given.
Jeffery Landgraf
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
13/09/2013, 12:00
STAR is a 4π detector and it has numerous fast detectors able to measure particles traveling in nearly every direction each bunch crossing. The STAR trigger system has the ability to combine this information in a very flexible way to produce nearly any desired trigger. The STAR trigger also incorporates higher level triggers which have access to still more information about the events,...
Angela Romano
(University of Birmingham (GB))
13/09/2013, 14:00
Decisive tests of SM predictions or indirect evidence of new physics can be achieved with the study of rare kaon decays. The main goal of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare K+ → π+νν decay with a 10% accuracy. The NA62 strategy foresees the collection of about 100 events of the K+ → π+νν decay, with a signal to background ratio of 10:1,...
Juraj Bracinik
(University of Birmingham (GB))
13/09/2013, 14:45
ATLAS is one of two general-purpose, high Pt experiments at the LHC
collider at CERN. In these lectures, ATLAS trigger will be described. In
the first lecture, general trigger strategy and trigger design will be
discussed. In second lecture I will concentrate on one particular trigger
subsystem (Level 1 calorimeter trigger) and describe it in more detail.
Andrey Lebedev
(IKF Frankfurt University / LIT JINR)
13/09/2013, 16:00
Development of fast and efficient event reconstruction algorithms is an important and challenging task for modern high energy physics experiments. The event reconstruction algorithms have to process terabytes of input data produced in particle collisions. In this lecture an overview of selected event reconstuction algorithms will be given on the example of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM)...
Jeffery Landgraf
(Brookhaven National Laboratory(USA))
14/09/2013, 09:30
The STAR Detector has evolved significantly during the 13 years of STAR operations. The DAQ system has had to support many different detectors in every phase of operation as they are added, debugged, run in production, and removed from the system. These changes to the STAR Detector are also reflected in the interface to the offline analysis group as impacted by the configuration databases as...
Orlando Villalobos Baillie
(University of Birmingham (GB))
14/09/2013, 10:30
In this lecture I discuss the implementation of the principles discussed
in Lecture 1 in modern experiments, at the LHC and elsewhere. It will
include examples from the ALICE and ATLAS experiments. Acouple of details from really different experiments, such as CBM and Auger
Orlando Villalobos Baillie
(University of Birmingham)
14/09/2013, 12:00
Juraj Bracinik
(University of Birmingham (GB))
14/09/2013, 13:00
ATLAS is one of two general-purpose, high Pt experiments at the LHC
collider at CERN. In these lectures, ATLAS trigger will be described. In
the first lecture, general trigger strategy and trigger design will be
discussed. In second lecture I will concentrate on one particular trigger
subsystem (Level 1 calorimeter trigger) and describe it in more detail.
Partha Bagchi
(Institute of Physics)
Here we discuss the possibility of J/Psi disintegration due to the Z(3) domain walls that are expected to form in QGP medium. These domain walls give rise to localized color electric field which disintegrates J/Psi, on interaction, by changing the color composition and simultaneously exciting it to higher excited states of charm-anti charm system. For E = 5GeV (or higher) we find that about 90...
Sarbani Majumder
(Bose Institute, Kolkata.)
Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
We report a first case study of the phase diagram of 2+1 flavor strongly interacting matter in $\beta-$equilibrium, using the Polyakov$-$Nambu$-$Jona-Lasinio model. Physical characteristics of
relevant thermodynamic observables have been discussed. A comparative analysis with the corresponding observables in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model is presented. We find distinct differences between the...
Archie Sharma
(Panjab University (IN))
CMS is one of the two general purpose experiments at LHC which collected and analysed p-p collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV. The muon system of CMS consists of three gaseous detectors with complementary features: the Drift Tubes chambers (DT) in the barrel and the Cathode Strips Chambers in the forward region provide good spatial resolution while the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), in both...
Kalyan Dey
(Gauhati University, Guwahati)
The variation of width of the rapidity distribution on beam rapidity and the rapidity distribution of strangeness enhancement factor have been studied with UrQMD generated mesons and baryons at various FAIR energies to ascertain mass/species type behavior of produced articles. The width of the rapidity distribution is found to bear a power law with beam rapidity with a clear indication of...
Anirban Lahiri
(Bose Institute, Kolkata.)
We present a study of the 1+1 flavor system of strongly interacting
matter in terms of the Polyakov$-$Nambu$-$Jona-Lasinio model. We find
that though the small isospin symmetry breaking brought in through
unequal light quark masses is too small to affect the thermodynamics of
the system in general, it may have significant effect in baryon-isospin
correlations and have a measurable impact...
Manfred Jeitler
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Flavour Physics
We'll present studies of exclusive photoproduction of dileptons in proton-proton at centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and p-Pb at centre-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV with the CMS detector. The events selected with back-to-back muon pairs and no significant additional activity in the detector. The physics process corresponds to these events are two photon exchange and...
Ruchi Chudasama
(Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (IN))
We'll present studies of exclusive photoproduction of dileptons in proton-proton at √s=7 TeV and p-Pb at √s=5.02 TeV with the CMS detector. The events selected with back-to-back muon pairs and no significant additional activity in the detector. The physics process corresponds to these events are two photon exchange and exclusive photo-production of Upsilon (1S,2S,3S) mesons. We'll present the...
Narinder Kumar
(Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar)
We investigate the Generalized parton distributions(GPDs) by expressing them in terms of overlap of light front wave functions (LFWFs) using a simulated model. We study the spin non flip H(x,ζ,t) and spin flip E(x,ζ,t) part of GPDs for the particle conserving (n->n)overlap in the DGLAP region 0<x<ζ. Fourier transform of the GPDs with respect to the transverse momentum transfer gives the...
Sarbani Majumder
(Bose Institute)
We present a study of $\tau^+ \tau^-$ lepton pair production in
Pb + Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.5 TeV. The larger
mass of tau lepton compared to electron and muon leads to
considerably small hadronic contribution to the
$\tau^+ \tau^-$ pair invariant mass (M) distribution relative
to the production from thermal partonic sources. The
quark–anti-quark annihilation processes via...
Thorsten Kollegger
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
High Level Trigger (HLT) systems are acquiring a more and more prominent role in modern high-energy particle physics experiments. These system are typically build as multi-purpose-computing clusters from mainly commodity hardware and have no or very relaxed latency requirements. Most if not all of the detector data is available for the trigger decision, which is based on online reconstruction...
Thorsten Kollegger
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
High Level Trigger (HLT) systems are acquiring a more and more prominent role in modern high-energy particle physics experiments. These system are typically build as multi-purpose-computing clusters from mainly commodity hardware and have no or very relaxed latency requirements. Most if not all of the detector data is available for the trigger decision, which is based on online reconstruction...
Shikshit Gupta
(University of Jammu)
Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
It is important to study the bulk production of particles as a
function of both $p_{T}$ and particle species. The low-$p_{T}$
particle production, and species composition provide crucial input
for modeling of hadronic interactions and the hadronization process
in high-energy collisions [1]. In this paper, we will present the measurements of spectra for $\pi^{\pm}$, $K^{\pm}$, $p$ and...
Biswarup Paul
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
The ALICE experiment at LHC has studied inclusive J/ψ and ψ(2S) production at forward rapidities in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer. The analysis has been carried out on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity = 1.35 pb-1. The measured production cross-sections of J/ψ and ψ(2S) are:
σ_J/ψ (2.5 < y < 4, 0 < pT < 20 GeV/c) = 6.76 ± 0.04 (stat.) ±...
Suman Bala Beri
(Panjab University, Chandigarh)
Higgs Boson Search
The area-normalized angular distributions in events containing a Z0 boson and a jet, using the electron decay mode will be presented. The data samples correspond to ~5fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV, collected by the CMS detector. Events in which there is a Z boson and at least one jet, with a jet transverse momentum threshold of 30 GeV/c and absolute jet rapidity less than 2.4,...
Mahajan Neelu
(G.G.D.S.D College, Chandigarh)
Physics of Neutrino and Neutrino Oscillations
Texture specific hermitian mass matrices have been investigated for both Majorana and Dirac neutrinos for their compatibility with the current neutrino oscillation data (in particular large Θ13), keeping in mind the hierarchy of neutrino masses. In case of texture 6 zero all the possibilities pertaining to Dirac neutrinos are ruled out. Only 16 possibilities can accommodate the experimental...
In this work we have studied the non-Fermi liquid behavior that enters into the expression of the
pulsar kick velocity due to assymetric neutrino emission. We have incorporated leading order as
well as next-to-leading order corrections to the velocity and compared the results with the simple
Fermi liquid case. The relation between quark phase radius and temperature
has been shown.
Anirban Lahiri
(Bose Institute, Kolkata, India.)
Modification of Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem is required within the framework of QCD inspired effective models within mean field approach. The effect of implicit chemical potential dependence of thermodynamic pressure through the mean fields should be considered in order to compute the quark number susceptibility perfectly. Incorporating these dependences, the modification has been done in...
Nishu Nishu
(Panjab University (IN))
We will present results on the search for the associated Higgs (WH) production with Higgs boson decaying into a pair of W bosons. The analysis is performed using the LHC data recorded with the CMS detector at a centre of mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 24.4 fb-1. Candidates are selected in events with three leptons, electrons or muons, large...
Kavita Lalwani
(University of Delhi)
Silicon micro-strip sensors are the key device for the measurement of trajectories of charge particles in high energy physics experiments. In future they will be operated in harsh radiation environment which introduces defects, both in Si causing bulk damage and at Si-SiO2
interface causing surface damage that will affect the operating performance of sensors. Due to bulk damage type inversion...
Palash Khan
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India)
The ALICE apparatus at the LHC was designed and built to perform dedicated studies of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a strongly interacting QCD matter of deconfined state, expected to be created in high energy heavy-ion collisions. In such collisions heavy flavours are produced at the very early stage of the interaction in the initial hard scattering processes and hence can be used to...