Alan Watson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
The LHC already operates at unprecedented energies and luminosities. The approved Run 2 (2015-2017, 10^34 cm-2s-1) and Run 3 (2019-2021, 2 x 10^34 cm-2s-1) phases, and the planned HL-LHC (2024-, up to 5 x 10^34 cm-2s-1) will bring unprecedented challenges for detector and trigger systems, which must be met is the physics goals of the programme are to be achieved. ATLAS has a programme of upgrades to trigger and data-acquisition, trackers, muon detectors, calorimeters and electronics, to take the experiment through to the collection of an ultimate data sample of 3 ab-1.
In this presentation we will review some of the main physics goals of the upgrade and the solutions being developed by the different ATLAS subsystems.
Alan Watson
(University of Birmingham (GB))