9–14 Sept 2013
Department of Physics and Electronics, University of Jammu
Asia/Kolkata timezone

The Trigger for the NA62 Experiment at CERN

12 Sept 2013, 12:15
Main Hall (General Zorawar Singh Auditorium)

Main Hall

General Zorawar Singh Auditorium

Pleanary Flavour Physics Session 14


Karim Massri (University of Birmingham (GB))


The NA62 Experiment aims to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare kaon decay $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ with 10\% precision, collecting $\sim 100$ events in 2 years of data taking, starting in 2014. Assuming the value of the branching ratio as predicted by the SM ($BR(K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}) = (8.5\pm 0.7) \times 10^{-11}$), to collect enough statistics a high-intensity kaon beam is needed. Besides the $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay, many other rare or forbidden kaon decays can be studied, given the required kaon flux ($\sim 10^{13}$). The highest intensity hadron beam available at CERN is a 800~MHz unseparated secondary beam, in which the kaon component is only the 6\% (50~MHz average). This results in a $\sim 10$~MHz rate in the sub-detectors after the 65~m long decay region. In principle, the most flexible and unbiased way to readout sub-detector data would be using a ``triggerless'' acquisition system, in which all the data are unconditionally transferred to PCs. However, the NA62 high rate and channel count ($\sim 100000$) make this choice infeasible. Therefore, a variety of hardware lowest-level (L0) triggers will be used to reduce the overall rate below $\sim 1$~MHz but preserving most of the decays of interest. Following a L0 trigger, most sub-detectors will transfer data to dedicated PCs, where two trigger levels (L1 and L2) will be applied via software, to reach a final rate of $\sim 10$~kHz. In this talk the NA62 triggers and the relative rare decays selection algorithms will be described

Primary author

Karim Massri (University of Birmingham (GB))

Presentation materials