First SaporeGravis Workshop (SGW 2013)
Building n.2, Amphi L. Pasteur
Organized by Subatech (IN2P3/CNRS, Ecole des Mines, Université de Nantes). The workshop will take place in the Faculté de Sciences et des Techniques de l'Université de Nantes, Campus Lombarderie - Michelet. Building n.2, Amphi L. Pasteur
SaporeGravis is a networking of the I3 Hadron Physics program of the EU 7th FP. SaporeGravis is the natural continuation of the ReteQuarkonii networking. SaporeGravis aims at studying the production of open heavy flavour and quarkonia in hadronic collisions at ultra relativistic energies. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is opening new possibilities for studying the properties of the strongly interacting matter at high temperature and for studying non-perturbative features of QCD. Quarkonia and open heavy flavours will be abundantly produced and correlations with other global observables of the heavy ion collision like centrality and/or reaction plane will allow for studying the properties of the QGP phases. At such high-energy hadronic collisions, Quarkonia will also be abundantly produced in diffractive and electromagnetic processes including both diffractive pomeron- and photon- induced quarkonium production. About 27 research groups of 12 different countries participate to the SaporeGravis project. SaporeGravis will organize one training school for phD and two conferences between experimentalists and theorists, and it will work on a comprehensive review of the first data obtained at the LHC and RHIC in the last 5 years about quarkonia and open heavy flavours. The duration of the SaporeGravis project is 36 months, starting on January 1st 2012 (end December 31th 2014).
Local Organizing Committee / Comité Local d'Organisation:
Laurent Aphecetche,
Guillaume Batigne,
Pol-Bernard Gossiaux,
Thierry Gousset,
Laure Massacrier,
Ginés Martinez,
Stéphane Peigné,
Philippe Pillot,
Diego Stocco
Conveners of the Physics Working Groups
Open Heavy Flavours:
Andrea Dainese (INFN, Padova),
Pol-Bernard Gossiaux (Subatech, Nantes),
Diego Stocco (Subatech, Nantes)
Roberta Arnaldi (INFN, Torino),
Torstem Dahms (LLR, Palaiseau),
Elena G. Ferreiro (University of Santiago)
François Arleo (LLR, Palaiseau),
Cynthia Hadjidakis (IPN, Orsay),
Philippe Rosnet (LPC, Clermont)
Soft and Hard diffraction:
Guillermo Contreras (CTU, Praga),
Joakim Nystrand (University of Bergen),
Rainer Schiker (University of Heidelberg)
Future upgrade programs and experiments:
Anton Andronic (GSI, Darmstadt),
Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPN, Orsay),
Raphael Tieulent (IPN, Lyon)
International Organizing Committee / Comité International d'Organisation:
Anton Andronic (GSI, Dramstadt),
Roberta Arnaldi (INFN, Torino),
Alberto Baldisseri (Irfu, Salclay),
Hervé Borel (IRFU Saclay),
Peter Braun-Munzinger (GSI, Darmstadt),
Philppe Crochet (LPC, Clermont),
Andrea Dainese (INFN, Padova),
Frédéric Fleuret (LLR, Palaiseau),
Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac (LLR, Palaiseau),
Cynthia Hadjidakis (IPN, Orsay),
Rainer Schicker (University of Heidelberg),
Johanna Stachel (University of Heidelberg),
Christophe Suire (IPN,Orsay),
Ermanno Vercellin (INFN, Torino)