28 October 2013 to 1 November 2013
University Of Michigan
America/Detroit timezone

HEPiX Bit Preservation Working Group

31 Oct 2013, 09:45
340 West Hall (University Of Michigan)

340 West Hall

University Of Michigan

1085 S University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 US
Oral presentation Storage & Filesystems Storage and file systems


German Cancio Melia (CERN)


The goal of the HEPiX Bit Preservation Working Group is to share ideas, practices and experience on bit stream preservation activities across sites providing long-term and large-scale archive services. Different aspects should be covered like: technology used for long-term archiving, definition of reliability, mitigation of data loss risks, monitoring/verification of the archive contents, procedures for recovering unavailable and/or lost data, procedures for archive migration to new-generation technology. The Working Group is producing a survey on existing practices across HEPiX and WLCG sites responsible for large-scale long-term archiving, and will present its initial findings at the HEPiX Fall'2013 workshop.


Presentation materials