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2005 JACoW Team Meeting

Aula Direzione (INFN Frascati)

Aula Direzione

INFN Frascati

Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
John Poole (CERN)
    • Reception Sala Cariatidi

      Sala Cariatidi

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      Guided tour and welcome Reception in the "Sala Cariatidi" of the Villa Mondragone on Sunday, 13 November. Bus transport will be provided, leaving from the Frascati Main Square at 18:30. The guided tour will take place from 19:00 to 20:00, and the reception from 20:00 to 21:30;

    • Registration Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      Delegates will be asked to register and pay the workshop fees.

    • Morning Session of the Seminar on the JACoW Systems for Conference Organisation and Proceedings Production Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      Morning Session of the Seminar

      Guidelines and Notes for Speakers
      • 1
        SPMS Overview
        • Brief history, objectives, basic functionality, basic architecture o Repository db o Conference db o File server • Profiles and accounts • The agreement to be signed by conference user • The roles of the various administrators
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 2
        Repository Structure and Email facility
        • The basic structure of the database in general terms • System requirements for repository and conference systems • Oracle installations • Javascripts, cookies, browsers etc. • Email facility o Functionality for administrator o Possible recipients
        Speaker: Matt Arena (FNAL)
      • 3
        Setting up a New Conference
        • What does the conference dba receive ? • What does the dba have to do to set it up ? • What are the hardware requirements ? • What do ‘Oracle jobs’ do for you ?
        Speaker: Jeff Patton (ORNL)
      • 4
        Customising through System Parameters
        Parameter screens and explanation of the customisation process
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 5
        Classifications and Sub-classifications
        • What does the administrator see ? • How do you set it up ? • What are these parameters used for ?
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 10:55
      • 6
        Presentation Types and Options
        • What does the administrator see ? • How do you set it up ? • What are these parameters used for ?
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 7
        Abstracts, their submission and QA
        • Setting up classifications • Handling invited presentations • Re-classification (why, how) • What is abstract QA ? • What does the administrator have to do ?
        Speaker: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS)
      • 8
        Building Programme Codes
        • Explain cannot open abstract submission without programme codes • What are the building blocks of the codes • How do the different conferences handle it • Automatic numbering – how to do it (and how to prevent it …)
        Speaker: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS)
      • 9
        Invitation Only Conferences
        • What are these ? • What does the administrator have to do ? • What are the differences in the overall process ?
        Speaker: Michaela Marx (DESY)
      • 10
        Functionality for the Authors
        • Abstract submission • What should happen for co-authors • How a new profile is created (repository first, then local – synchronisation issues) • How papers are submitted • Controls by the administrator (open and close submission, use of dots, invited flag ..) • Dealing with re-submissions and late submissions (e.g. how can someone re-submit after final QA ?)
        Speaker: Ivan Andrian (ELETTRA)
      • 11
        Data Flows
        • What data flows where during preparatory phases, abstract submission and paper submission
        Speaker: Ivan Andrian (ELETTRA)
      • 12
        Registration Module
        • General functionality • Data flows • How to set up the screens for users
        Speaker: Naomi Wyles (CCLRC/DL/ASTeC)
      • 13
        Industrial Exhibition Registration
        • General functionality • Data flows • How to set up the screens for users
        Speaker: Dan Faircloth (RAL)
      • 14
        Paper Submission
        • Setting up the file and web servers • Networking and hardware • Upload/download scripts • Security issues with scripts and web server
        Speaker: Jan Chrin (PSI)
    • 13:30
      Lunch Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
    • Afternoon Session of the Seminar on the JACoW Systems for Conference Organisation and Proceedings Production Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      Continuation from where the morning session left off.

      • 15
        The Refereeing Module
        • How to set up refereeing • How it works in practice • Handling status of papers
        Speaker: Rebecca Reitmeyer (SLAC)
      • 16
        Poster Police
        • What are poster police • How poster police interact with the system
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 17
        • What is QA all about • What are the QA screens
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 18
        Editor's Module
        • Work flow for editors • What screens the editor sees • What and editor can do • Use of dots, and other status bits like poster police data
        Speaker: Matt Arena (FNAL)
      • 16:15
      • 19
        Pre-press Publication
        • What is it • What are the pre-requirements • What the administrator has to do
        Speaker: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS)
      • 20
        Publication scripts
        • What they do • What are the requirements and what data is needed • How do they work (general terms) • What is the final result
        Speaker: Jeff Patton (ORNL)
      • 21
        Publication on the JACoW Server
        • JACoW requirements • The steps to publication • What is the JACoW server • Indexation on the server
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 22
        Post Conference Feedback to the Repository
        • What data goes back and why • How do you do it and when • Reports from the repository
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
    • SPMS Review Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      This session will review the SPMS package and disuss some of the complexities of its use.

      • 23
        SPMS Status, Patches and Support Issues
        The current status and patches released in 2005 will be presented. The resources required for supporting SPMS will be reviewed and compared to the current availability.
        Speaker: Matt Arena (FNAL)
      • 24
        SPMS Documentation
        This talk will present the current status of the SPMS documentation and outline plans for the continued development.
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 10:30
      • 25
        Obsolete functionality in SPMS
        This talk will review the functionality which is no longer required in the SPMS now that the system is mature and has been used for several conferences.
        Speaker: Matt Arena (FNAL)
      • 26
        Character Problems in the Repository
        This talk will attempt to explain the reason for the apparent presence of bad characters in the repository.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 27
        Clarification of Presentation Types
        This will be a brainstorming session to establish what is required and how it should be represented in the database.
      • 28
        Poster Numbering and the Village System
        This talk will explain the difficulties of automatic poster numbering and the village system.
        Speakers: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS), Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
    • 13:30
      Lunch Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
    • New SPMS Functionality Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      This session will be a brainstorming session concerning requests for new functionality in the SPMS. Each request should lead to a functional specification and a data specification.

      • 29
        Proposals for Invited Papers
        An interface is required for the Programme Committee to enter proposals for invited papers.
      • 16:00
      • 30
        Adding a flag to a particular contribution
        EPAC has a need to identify contributions which could be entered in a prize competition.
      • 31
        Production of Customised Mailing Lists
        It would be useful to be able to extract a set of Email addesses which could be used outside of the SPMS.
    • JACoW Management and Operations Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
      • 32
        JACoW Status Report
        Website status and performance, software licenses etc.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 33
        Requests for Membership and Extension of JACoW's Scope
        It has been suggested to publish Accelerator School proceedings and other Accelerator publications on JACoW. The implications of this are examined.
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 34
        JACoW and IEEE
        The technical and political issues which concern JACoW and IEEE will be presented. A report on a visit to IEEE will also be given.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 35
        Status and collaboration with JACoW
        Speakers: Mr Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez (CERN), Mr Thomas Baron (CERN)
      • 10:50
      • 36
        JACoW Modus Operandi
        Use of the SPMS requires conferences to accept certain constraints and to sign an agreement. This agreement will be reviewed and issues concerning the Email facilities will be discussed. The differences between use and modifications to the central repository and the conference databases will be discussed.
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 37
        Publication of Email Addresses
        A proposal to ban the publication on JACoW for future conferences will be discussed.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
    • Reports from JACoW Conference Series Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      Each conference series will present an overview of their series, how they are organised, and describe the particularities of the series (frequency, geographical choices, invitation only, refereeing, etc.). They will say what they need from JACoW (training, expertise, SPMS, software licenses, etc.). They will also say what they can offer to the collaboration (such as hands-on training for new editors, developing new modules for SPMS etc. ).

      • 38
        Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams
        Speaker: Yong Ho Chin (KEK)
      • 39
        Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on on Future Light Sources
        Speaker: Michaela Marx (DESY)
      • 40
        Speaker: Anil Rawat (CAT)
      • 41
        Speaker: Leandro Piazza (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud)
      • 42
        Speaker: Volker Schaa (GSI)
      • 13:30
      • 43
        Speaker: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN)
      • 44
        Speaker: Rebecca Reitmeyer (SLAC)
      • 45
      • 16:00
      • 46
        Speaker: Reiner Hasse (GSI)
      • 47
        Speakers: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS), Michaela Marx (DESY)
      • 48
        Speakers: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS), Luce Salas (LANL), Dr Martin Comyn (TRIUMF)
      • 49
        Speaker: Evguenia Shirkova (JINR)
    • Technical Issues I Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      This session will examine a number of technical issues related to Acrobat-related software and JACoW systems.

      • 50
        ICALEPCS'05 took place in October and used a system developed at EPFL to handle the papers. This system, ELISE, will be described and the way to incorporate the files into JACoW will be discussed.
      • 51
        Scanning Project and Web Server Statistics
        The scanning project has completed the PAC series and is currently working on EPAC. Cyclotrons has started preparations but there have been some copyright and other constraints. These issues will be discussed.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 52
        Schedule Builder
        EPAC has requested the possibility for delegates to download a personalised schedule for the conference. The possibilities will be explained.
        Speaker: Hywel Owen (CCLRC/DL/ASTeC)
      • 53
        Review of JACoW's Help Documentation for Authors
        A critical review of what is currently available from JACoW.
        Speaker: Cathy Eyberger (ANL)
      • 10:50
      • 54
        JACoW Templates
        New versions were made avaiable for PAC05 but there are still some problems with them. This talk will review the situation and suggest what improvements are needed. The number versions which should be maintained will also be reviewed.
        Speaker: Cathy Eyberger (ANL)
      • 55
        Mirror Site Maintenance
        The installation and resources associated with the mirrir site at KEK will be reviewed. The possibilities for improvements will be presented.
        Speaker: Yong Ho Chin (KEK)
      • 56
        Acrobat 7
        Acrobat 7 has been in production for some time now. The differences with respect to earlier versions (in particular those which JACoW conferences have been using) will be described. Any new features of interest to the collaboration will be presented.
        Speaker: Martin Comyn (TRIUMF)
      • 57
        Acrobat Distiller 7
        This talk will be a critical review of the paramters used for processing JACoW papers.
        Speaker: Martin Comyn (TRIUMF)
    • 13:30
      Lunch Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
    • Technical Issues II Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
      • 58
        Using PitStop Professional and PitStop Server
        What is the functionality and what might conferences gain from this.
        Speakers: Charlie Horak (ORNL/SNS), John Poole (CERN)
      • 59
        Acrobat Version Compatibility Level
        JACoW has used Acrobat4 (PDF1.3) for many years but the current product is at PDF1.6. This talk will discuss the issues of moving to a later version as our base.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 60
        CD Standards
        Is ISO9660 relevant in today's world for JACoW ?
        Speaker: Volker Schaa (GSI)
      • 15:50
      • 61
        Fonts and Acrobat
        (purchase of fonts, STIX, OpenType ...) - what are STIX fonts and what might they be used for ? - why would we want to purchase fonts ?
        Speakers: Cathy Eyberger (ANL), John Poole (CERN)
      • 62
        Difficulties using scripts
        This talk will examine the difficulties experienced during the preparation of files for publication on JACoW and CD.
        Speaker: Jeff Patton (ORNL)
    • Other Technical Issues Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
      • 63
        Publishing Library Data
        JACoW publishes proceedings data for libraries on the website. This data is produced as a dump from the database. The process and difficulties will be described.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 64
        Security Issues
        Data protection laws, hackers, credit card information etc. The implications for users of the SPMS will be reviewed.
        Speaker: Ivan Andrian (Elettra)
      • 65
        Next SPMS Release
        A round-table discussion on plans for the next release.
      • 66
        GPL Status
        This is an open issue from previous Team Meetings. An action plan should be drawn up.
        Speakers: John Poole (CERN), Matt Arena (FNAL)
    • 10:45
      Coffee Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
    • Summary and Closing Aula Direzione

      Aula Direzione

      INFN Frascati

      Building 1, First Floor Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
      • 67
        Summing Up
        A brief review of the week and decisions.
        Speakers: Cathy Eyberger (ANL), Dr Hywel Owen (CCLRC/DL/ASTeC)
        Group Photo 1
      • 68
        Work Plan for 2006
        According to the decisions taken during the week - a review of who does what and when.
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 69
        Speaker: John Poole (CERN)
      • 12:45